Pubdate: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 Source: Prince George Citizen (CN BC) Copyright: 2008 Prince George Citizen Contact: Details: Author: Eugene Fetterly Referenced: WHY NOT LEGALIZE MARIJUANA? Re: War is hell and it's here (editorial, Aug. 9). Who do you thing you are with statements like the last sentence of your Saturday editorial: "Candidates for this fall's mayoral and council races had better come prepared."? And what makes you think Prince George's drug problem can be handled at a municipal level? As if! If it was that easy, don't you think it would be done already? It makes me want to puke to think of how much breath those two so-called high-profile mayoral hopefuls are going to waste when there isn't a thing they can do about it. I used to do all manner of dope and the police were not a deterrent in the least. If anything, they made me smarter. I would do bad things to support my habit. In fact, the scariest thing was unavailability, not jail. Drugs are a worldwide problem and the answer lies in legalization and education. The drug dealers are not the problem, and quite frankly, could be part of the cure. If they already have the distribution network in place, why not legalize it, supply them with clean dope and charge them income tax for the education? The marijuana industry in B.C. alone is over $7 billion a year. Smoking pot is almost socially acceptable. But what about hard drugs, you say? Same goes, there's money in it. They handle it in the Netherlands. We have to be just as smart as they are, aren't we? But this is just too simple. The bleeding-heart conservative types, who are scared to death of change, would never let the lawmakers make such a quantum leap. Therein lies the problem, their hypocrisy. Tobacco probably nets the B.C. government $300 million a year in tax. And by far the worst perpetrator, alcohol, causes more social problems than all the world's drugs combined, and it has been legal for years. Eugene Fetterly Prince George - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart