Pubdate: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2008 The Vancouver Sun Contact: Website: Details: Referenced: Author: Steven Austin SHOW US THE SUCCESS STORIES FROM INSITE Re: Closing down Insite will bring out the angel of death, Editorial, Aug. 12 If the Conservative government is a slave to anti-drug orthodoxy, then The Vancouver Sun editorial board is enchanted by the cruel euphemism of "harm reduction." What it means is that people have to tolerate and accommodate the most abhorrent social evils instead of eradicating them. The defeatists who support this craven strategy tend to exhibit an inveterate and inexplicable hostility towards police. For every social problem that crops up, their solution is to simply legalize it to obviate law enforcement. I imagine they will not intervene if their children become junkies. The federal government's focus should be on harm elimination. Drug use is criminal behaviour, not a disease. It is a matter to be dealt with under the aegis of law enforcement, not our fragile health care system. The justice system must punish drug trafficking and its collateral evils with the utmost ferocity. Drug addicts also have to pay a penalty for their contribution to the moral and material decay of society. Compassion is not infinite nor is the money to subsidize peoples' moral weakness. The Downtown Eastside is no less squalid than before Insite was established. Yet the apologists make exaggerated claims of "progress." We'll know it when we see it. Steven Austin, Delta - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake