Pubdate: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 Source: Community Press, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2008 Osprey Media Contact: Website: Details: Author: Mark Hoult Cited: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine Cited: Marijuana uses Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal) A MEDICAL DOCTOR'S MARIJUANA TRIP Although fewer than 3,000 Canadians are licensed to use medical marijuana, it's estimated that between 400,000 and one million people in the country use cannabis as medication. The following is the second in a series of articles about the use of marijuana to treat medical conditions. Trent Hills - In 1967 Dr. Lester Grinspoon was a young assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the senior author of an in-depth study of schizophrenia. He was also one of a growing number of medical professionals who were becoming concerned about the number of young people who were experimenting with "a terribly dangerous drug" called marijuana. While waiting for some of his colleagues to submit their contributions to the book on schizophrenia, Grinspoon decided to begin an objective academic study of marijuana. He believed that if kids would not heed government warnings about the plant's toxicity, some would at least give credence to a well-researched scientific paper describing the dangers of smoking pot. But while doing his research, Grinspoon did not, as he expected, discover overwhelming evidence of marijuana's dangers to physical and mental health. Instead, he discovered that much of what he thought he knew about the drug was based on myth and misinformation. The information he gathered from his research made him skeptical about society's conventional perspective on marijuana and launched him on a personal and professional journey that would lead him to become one of the world's most outspoken and articulate advocates for medical cannabis and the legalization of marijuana. During a phone interview with The Community Press from his Massachusetts home, the associate professor emeritus of psychiatry described how he reacted to the results of his study. "I had come to this with skepticism and a real concern for young people. To my astonishment, and it didn't take long, I discovered I had been brainwashed." Grinspoon said he began to realize that marijuana, rather than being an extremely toxic drug, was relatively benign. "There's no such thing as a harmless drug. But marijuana would be among the 10 least harmful drugs in the pharmacopoeia," he said. In fact, until 1937, marijuana was included in the medical pharmacopoeia, he said. Between 1840 and 1900, more than 100 papers on the therapeutic use of marijuana were published in European and American medical journals, Grinspoon pointed out in a 1995 paper he co-authored for the Journal of the American Medical Association titled "Marijuana as Medicine: A Plea for Reconsideration." The United States Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 made the drug so difficult to obtain for medical purposes it was taken out of the pharmacopoeia. And it was then that doctors simply stopped thinking about cannabis as a viable medical therapy, despite its 5,000-year history as a therapeutic plant, Grinspoon said. The prohibition of marijuana in the 20th century was also the beginning of what Grinspoon has described as "a popular delusion that has been responsible for the arrest of more than 12 million U.S. citizens." Although he acknowledges there is legitimate concern about possible lung damage as a result of smoking marijuana, Grinspoon said the true harm is the result of the way society responds to and treats people who use cannabis. Every year hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens are convicted of marijuana-related felonies and put behind bars, he said, adding: "The harm comes from the lives blighted by criminal charges." Grinspoon shared his skepticism about the conventional understanding of marijuana in a paper originally published in the now defunct International Journal of Psychiatry. A shorter version was published in the December 1969 issue of Scientific American. And in 1971 Dr. Grinspoon published his landmark book, "Marijuana Reconsidered," in which he argues for a reassessment of the drug. Grinspoon drew on more than academic study for his passionate advocacy of medical marijuana. In 1967, the same year he started his research, Grinspoon's 12-year-old son Danny was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. The prognosis was grave, but despite his illness, Danny took a close interest in his father's efforts to write a book on marijuana. By 1971 Danny's cancer treatments were causing him to experience severe nausea and constant vomiting. "He just didn't want to go in for his treatments," Grinspoon said. By now Grinspoon was aware of an extensive body of anecdotal evidence for the medical benefits of marijuana, including strong evidence that cannabis is effective in the treatment of nausea and vomiting. But it was difficult for him, as a medical professional, to take that final step and agree to allow his son to use a prescribed drug. "I said to myself, 'I can't, it's against the law.'" Finally, his family took the matter into their own hands. On the day of one of Danny's chemotherapy sessions, Grinspoon went to the hospital to be with his son and family, only to discover an unexpected scene. "This day I walked in, and they were joking around while waiting for the treatment. And they told me he'd had a few puffs of marijuana in the parking lot before he came in," Grinspoon recalled. The marijuana provided Danny with extensive relief from the nausea and vomiting. And for Grinspoon, the experience of seeing his son's suffering relieved by a drug society had judged to be dangerous, confirmed what he was already beginning to believe: marijuana's benefits are real. And those benefits were being denied to thousands of sick people because society has come to believe cannabis is dangerous and those who use it should be pursued and prosecuted. "I started thinking to myself, 'my goodness, this is real. And what if there are other kids out there who could be spared suffering,'" he said. Grinspoon continued bringing the issues of medical marijuana and marijuana legalization before the public, writing "Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine" with fellow researcher James Bakalar, and launching websites, including, which includes essays and testimonials on marijuana use, including his own "To Smoke or Not to Smoke: A Cannabis Odyssey," and an essay, "Mr. X," by the late Carl Sagan, one of the world's most respected and renowned astronomers, who used marijuana for most of his adult life. And at the age of 80, Grinspoon and his wife Betsy continue their own discovery of marijuana's "usefulness in the task of achieving reconciliation with the aging process, including coming to terms with the inevitable physical and emotional aches, deficits and losses." Marijuana, he believes, "is a blessing." And a day will come, he said, when attitudes about marijuana change, and people will ask: "What was all the fuss about this substance?" - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake