Pubdate: Sun, 7 Sep 2008
Source: Lancashire Telegraph (UK)
Copyright: 2008 Newsquest Media Group
Author: Nafeesa Shan
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


A SCHOOL uniform supplier has removed all drugs related items which 
were on sale in his shop.

Rohni Vij, owner of Abbey Street Shopping Centre, in Accrington, has 
returned pipes, grinding machines, branded tobacco tins, 
cannabis-logo pipe screens, cannabis-leaf ash trays and lighters he 
stocked in his shop to suppliers.

Mr Vij took steps after he was branded irresponsible by community leaders.

But Mr Vij, who said he did not want to upset anybody, maintains that 
he was not doing anything wrong or illegal.

And has advised customers who has issues with anything being sold in 
his shop to speak to him directly to resolve any problems.

Abbey Street Shopping Centre, in Accrington, sells scout, brownie and 
guide uniforms and is recommended to parents by schools.

The drugs related items were placed on the counter next to the till 
so his staff could control who bought them.

Mr Vij said: "We didn't want to upset people and have sent the stock 
back to the supplier following complaints.

"I am anti-drugs and don't like them.

"I have respected what other people have said about the items and I 
have removed them.

"I haven't done anything wrong or illegal but I don't want to upset 
my customers.

"If anyone has any problems I urge them to speak to me about it. We 
controlled who the items were sold to.

"If customers had come to me and told me I would have removed it."

The store is recommended to parents by the majority of the schools in 
the area, and websites for Peel Park Primary, Accrington Academy and 
Accrington Benjamin Hargreaves list the store as the main local supplier.

Mr Vij - whose store also sells adult sports wear - said the 
grinders, besides being used for drugs, were for grinding herbs and medicine.

Peter Britcliffe, Leader of Hyndburn Council, said: "We have to 
congratulate them for being socially responsible.

"I understand businesses are trying to make a living but it is 
excellent to see he is being socially responsible.

"He probably hadn't thought much about it until it was highlighted to 
him. Well done to him." 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake