Pubdate: Tue, 30 Sep 2008
Source: Nelson Daily News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2008 Nelson Daily News
Note: The newspaper does not have an active website.
Author: Bob Hall, Managing Editor

Here's A Thought


The Holy Smoke Four Should Go To Jail, But The Trade-Off Should Be 
Reform To The Law

The Holy Smoke Four are facing time behind bars. It's hard to feel 
sorry for them. In fact, as this storyline goes it might be the best 
development yet for the legalization movement.

Without a doubt the marijuana laws in this country must change. They 
are out of date and cause more distractions from real crime than is 
necessary. Many of the arguments brought forward by the defence 
during this latest Holy Smoke drama were worthy of discussion - 
especially the one about taking the seedy element out of the 
purchasing of something so many people do on a casual basis.

But as it stands right now selling marijuana is illegal. That's the 
law of the land.  When you break the law there are consequences. We 
should be thankful we live in a society where - for the most part - 
law and order still works and looks after the greater good.

Never shy, the Holy Smoke crew took a gamble.  They got busted and 
decided to seize on that opportunity to make a statement - actually 
many statements. The media loves this kind of story and Holy Smoke 
co-owners Paul DeFelice and Alan Middlemiss have never met a tape 
recorder they didn't like.

If you are on the other side of the debate - the police, the Crown 
prosecutor, the judge, the Conservative Party of Canada - there is 
nothing to gain from these types of stories.  The Holy Smoke crew 
hold most of the cards and can pretty much say whatever they 
want.  Their goal is to pound away at the establishment and make as 
much noise as possible.

But then something strange happened - at least something that would 
appear strange to the Holy Smoke Four.  The judge didn't buy it.  His 
task is to rule on the law and he did.  After taking a beating in the 
public, it's the prosecutor's job to ensure justice.  The Crown is 
right that the Holy Smoke Four are brazen and unapologetic.  He is 
right to ask the judge to throw the book at them.

Unfortunately for the Crown, if the Holy Smoke Four are sent to jail 
for a year it will be another victory for the legalization 
camp.  They will become martyrs and their fame will only increase.

All of this should be moot.  The real issue here is that it's time 
for our federal government to take meaningful steps to ensure this 
circus stops coming to town and the laws pertaining to marijuana are 
more in tune with the times.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom