Pubdate: Wed, 08 Oct 2008
Source: New Times (San Luis Obispo, CA)
Copyright: 2008 New Times
Author: Kylie Mendonca
Bookmark: (Cannabis - California)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


Several medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Barbara  closed their
doors Sept. 19 in response to pressure by  the federal Drug
Enforcement Administration.

Dispensaries are allowed in certain circumstances under  California
law to provide marijuana to patients with a  doctor's recommendation,
but the federal government  considers them to be in conflict with
federal laws  restricting drug trafficking. According to a DEA 
representative, several letters were sent out to  property owners in
late July informing them of ongoing  illegal activity on their
properties-specifically, the  selling of marijuana. They further
threatened to seize  the properties if the dispensaries were not
closed by  Sept. 19.

Santa Barbara is one of several California cities to  pass an
ordinance allowing marijuana dispensaries. The  city's attorney was
not available for comment.

Threatening landlords with property seizure has become  a common
tactic for closing dispensary doors throughout  California, according
to DEA spokeswoman Sarah Pullin.  She said more than 200 such letters
were sent in July  in the federal district that includes Los Angeles
and  Santa Barbara. She could not say how many landlords  complied.

New Times called five Santa Barbara dispensaries for  statements, but
none answered. One number had been  disconnected. A representative for
the Santa Barbara  chapter of NORML, the national group that lobbies
for  the legalization of marijuana-medical or  otherwise-confirmed
that all of the area's dispensaries  have closed their doors in
response to the letters.  When asked where patients would get
marijuana, he said  "probably anywhere they can."

Following the closure of Central Coast Compassionate  Caregivers, the
medical marijuana dispensary formerly  located in Morro Bay, many
patients reported driving to  Santa Barbara to get their prescriptions
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin