Pubdate: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 Source: Globe and Mail (Canada) Copyright: 2008 The Globe and Mail Company Contact: Details: Author: Andre Picard Bookmark: (Insite) Bookmark: (Supervised Injection Sites) Bookmark: (Harm Reduction) HATRED FOR SAFE-INJECTION SITES IS IRRATIONAL The Facilities Will Not Cure Drug Abuse But They're Integral To Strategies For Prevention And Rehabilitation In the waning days of the federal election campaign, there was an important development in the continuing saga surrounding Insite, Vancouver's safe-injection site. Pivot Legal Society released documents, obtained under an access-to-information request, that show the RCMP paid for research that was clearly designed to attack and undermine Insite. Numerous scientific publications have shown that providing addicts with clean needles, condoms and a safe place to inject can sharply cut the risk of transmission of diseases such as HIV-AIDS and hepatitis C, and prevent overdoses. While safe-injection facilities may be emotionally unpalatable to many, they are a sound public health measure, particularly as an integral part of a broader strategy of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. A couple of government-sponsored reviews have come to the same conclusion, but because they did not fit the war-on-drugs ideology held by the federal Conservative government (or senior Mounties presumably), the RCMP went shopping for an opinion they liked: that Insite is a failure. It has been pointed out by editorialists and columnists that although the RCMP can inform itself by consulting independent experts, it has no business shopping around for research that will provide predetermined conclusions. The job of the national police is to enforce the law, not to attack and undermine laws and public policies they don't like. This begs the question: Is the commissioning of politically motivated critiques of Insite the work of a rogue police force, or did this despicable behaviour have the tacit approval of the RCMP's political masters? The answer to that key question is not going to come from a summary internal review. And whatever the answer is, we are left with a disconcerting state of affairs. In the grand scheme of things, Insite is not, in itself, that important. It is a single safe-injection site that provides temporary respite for a small group of drug users - a few hundred desperate souls on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside who are hooked on heroine, cocaine or speed. But the attacks on Insite are really an attack on the philosophy of harm reduction, which is a pragmatic approach that recognizes that addiction and treatment are not flip sides of a black-and-white coin. Addiction is an illness, one with powerful clutches. Treatment fails, often repeatedly, and treatment and rehabilitation from addiction (be it heroin, alcohol or tobacco) take time. In the interim, it is best to reduce harm as much as possible by preventing transmission of disease and other problems that are part and parcel of drug abuse. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of harm-reduction programs around the country that are rooted in the same philosophy. There are wet shelters that provide alcohol to homeless alcoholics, who are turned away from traditional shelters. There is distribution of glass pipes to crack addicts. There are needle-exchange programs and methadone-maintenance programs for intravenous drug users. There are condom-distribution programs for street-level sex workers. Technically, many of these programs operate on the margins of the law. The irony here is that Insite, with an exemption from the law and the backing of the courts, is getting the most grief. The bottom line is that, more often than not, these programs work. Alcoholics turned away from shelters end up on the streets drinking Lysol and are frequent visitors to emergency rooms. Crack addicts tend to smoke rock from busted-up pop cans that leave their lips bloodied and raise the risk of blood-borne infections. Junkies desperate for a hit share needles if clean ones aren't available, fuelling outbreaks of HIV and hepatitis C. Heroin addicts treated with methadone can be weaned from their addiction or, at the very least, they temporarily break their pattern of injecting. These programs are intended to reduce harm to individuals with substance-abuse problems. They also recognize that outbreaks of infectious disease often have their genesis in these high-risk groups. In other words, if you minimize HIV and hepatitis C infections among IV drug users, you largely keep those infections away from the broader population. These programs are not a panacea. They will not eliminate the scourge of alcohol and drug abuse. But they do not pretend to do so. These methods were developed over time by street-level workers who recognized that no amount of repression and political rhetoric would eliminate drug abuse in society, but that at least some harm could be attenuated. This insight was hard-earned. Yet, our federal government and our national police force, rather than embracing harm reduction as complementary to law enforcement, have developed a hatred for Insite that is irrational and unseemly, one that threatens and undermines public health policy to its core. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom