Pubdate: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 Source: Rolla Daily News (MO) Copyright: 2008 Rolla Daily News Contact: Details: Author: Erin McCormick Bookmark: (Students - United States) SCHOOLS OBSERVE RED RIBBON WEEK Rolla, Mo. - Red Ribbon Week, a national observance held in schools throughout the country, found its way to Phelps County. Newburg Mayor Andrew Mattison signed a drug-free proclamation on Monday after an assembly that kicked off the week at Newburg Schools. "Red Ribbon Week is a week of activities promoting drug-free lives for our students," noted teacher Christy Campbell, a Red Ribbon Week organizer at Newburg School. The assembly for the middle schoolers, which include grades five through eight, began Monday morning with an introduction by Principal Ron Reagan. "It's the beginning of Red Ribbon Week, and you all did a really good job of wearing your red shirts," Reagan told the students. Cheerleaders rallied the students with drug-free cheers. The fifth-graders were recognized as the loudest grade, cheerleader Missey Richmond announced. Cesar, the Phelps County Sheriff's Department K-9, and Deputy Allan Studney made an appearance at the assembly. When asked by a student in the audience how powerful the dog could be, Studney answered, "Cesar's jaw has about 1,200 PSI (pounds-per-square-inch), which means that he can break an adult's femur bone." The highly-trained, dual-tracking dog receives attack and tracking commands in Dutch, Studney explained. Studney and his assistant Jim Arnold demonstrated Cesar attacking one of the officers wearing a training attack suit. The assembly was brought to a close by a skit called "American Idol, Brought to You by the Class of 2013." The performance was about the effects of marijuana usage and how damaging it can be. The actors in the play staged a mock arrest. After the assembly, class members met in the principal's office with the mayor for the signing of the proclamation. The proclamation also was taken to the Doolittle School to be signed by that town's mayor. Campbell said she and her class decorated the hallway of the middle school with red lights, posters, signs and ribbons. "All of the middle school students have pledged to be drug-free, and we think it is a really great thing," said Campbell. Along with activities and events scheduled for the week, Newburg students will participate in Pajama Day, Hat Day and Twin Day, Reagan said. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin