Pubdate: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 Source: Standard Freeholder (Cornwall, CN ON) Copyright: 2009 Osprey Media Group Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Russell Barth QUIT TELLING KIDS NEVER TO USE CERTAIN DRUGS Re: "Parents need to know they have the most power and influence on their children. They play a huge role," (Sgt. Gary) Leger, Jan. Standard-Freeholder. We live in a culture that glamourizes sex, fun, danger, thrills, rule-breaking, power, wealth-acquisition, and authority-resisting. We advertise booze, fast cars, fast food, violent movies and video games, and drugs of all kinds, right on TV! Then we tell kids that "drugs are bad". Does anyone still believe that kids don't notice this wild hypocrisy? A ruse by any other name. There is a misconception in our society that suggests that only drug-abstinence is to be encouraged and admired. Telling kids to "never" use certain drugs is like telling them to never see a certain genre of movie, never go to an amusement park or exotic country, or never do anything at all that may be both risky and fun. It teaches them to be afraid of new things, instead of curious, and as history has shown, fortune favours the adventurous. Sensible, moderate, well-informed drug use is no more harmful, dangerous, or immoral than any one of dozens of other activities humans participate in every day. And if you think "drugs" have nothing good to offer society, then throw away every CD you own. For those keen on teaching kids about drugs without all the hyperbole, spin, sloganeering, and bald-faced lies of the standard "education" programs, I recommend the Canadian Students For Sensible Drug Policy website at ( ),the Educators For Sensible Drug Policy website at ( ), or the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition website at ( ). Russell Barth, federally licensed medical marijuana user Patients Against Ignorance and Discrimination on Cannabis - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin