Pubdate: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 Source: Honolulu Advertiser (HI) Copyright: 2009 The Honolulu Advertiser Contact: Website: Details: Authors: Kathy Mitchell, and Marcy Sugar Note: Annie's Mailbox is an advice column. Send questions to: Annie's Mailbox, P.O. Box 118190, Chicago, IL 60611; or Annie's Mailbox TRUST IS KEY WHEN TALKING TO SON Dear Annie: My soon-to-be 17-year-old son has been caught smoking pot several times in the past few years. He also recently became very close to a girl we don't care for. She smokes pot as well, and I have reason to believe he may be sexually active with her. We have grounded him, taken away privileges, pushed him into drug counseling and other things, but as soon as he earns his freedom, he goes back to the same poor choices. He gets reasonably good grades and is polite to adults, so they think he's a great kid. How do I get him to turn his life around before it's too late? --Worried Sick in New England Dear Worried Sick: You need to talk to your son in a calm, loving, honest way without lecturing or judging. You won't convince him to give up drugs or sex by yelling or punishing, so put your emphasis on how much you care about him. He needs to trust what you are saying, so don't overemphasize the dangers of pot and sex. Smoking pot doesn't mean he will become a crack addict. It can, however, slow his reflexes and impair his judgement, so he should understand what that means in terms of driving, school work and behavior, and what happens if he is stopped for a traffic violation and pot is found in his car. Teens having sex, unfortunately, is not unusual and he needs to use protection to prevent and unwanted pregnancy and minimize the chance of contracting an STD. Sometimes kids use drugs and sex as self-medication when they are depressed, and if your son hasn't had counseling for depression, please look into it. Meanwhile, keep the lines of communication open, and hang in there, Mom. - ---remainder of column snipped due to it being a different question--- - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin