Pubdate: Wed, 14 Jan 2009
Source: Caledonia Courier (CN BC)
Copyright: 2009 Fort Saint James Courier
Author: Raymond J. Bertrand


To begin this topic with anyone other than Aleister Crowley (born 
Edward Alexander Crowley, October, 12, 1875 to December 1, 1947) 
would be an injustice. This individual has probably done more to 
influence the misuse of drugs, the proliferation of satanic rituals 
and the misogynistic culture in today's society than any other human 
being. He was raised in a Quaker household and from the moment his 
father (a fanatical preacher) died when he was 11, he dedicated his 
life to a hedonistic lifestyle, spreading dysfunction wherever he went.

He would have easily been labeled "Conduct Disorder" under the DSM 1V 
TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Totally 
Revised), as he was torturing cats (testing their 9 lives) by setting 
them on fire and was already fascinated by the world of pyrotechnics. 
At the ripe old age of 17 he contracted gonorrhea from a prostitute. 
His addiction to cocaine, heroin and sex has been documented 
repeatedly. His sexual boundaries were blurred as he promiscuously 
copulated with both men and women.

His occult career began in the Rosicrucian Order of the Golden Dawn, 
alongside notable literary giants such as Bram Stoker and W B Yeats. 
He was initiated to the highest levels of Freemasonry (33?) and High 
Priest. He relished in being called The Great Beast 666 (the symbol 
for the anti-Christ) and has also been called "the wickedest man 
alive". Allegations of his involvement with ritual sexual abuse, 
child sacrifices and acts of Satanism abound. Amongst his writings 
was the book "Diary of a Drug Fiend" (1922).

It is interesting to note that in 1909 Crowley had divorced his wife 
on the grounds of her alcoholism, enabling him to continue his 
passions of magic and to engage in his debaucherous lifestyle of 
young vulnerable females.

Crowley's philosophy was: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of 
the law". In spite of the fact he died a penniless, bi-sexual, drug 
and alcohol addicted occultist who questioned his own philosophies, 
he influenced many.

He left a powerful legacy of depravity on rock and roll music. He had 
become known as the founding father of Satanism. Some of his 
followers included the Black Crowes, Marilyn Manson, Mudwayne, David 
Bowie, Sting, Jimmy Paige (Led Zeppelin), Jim Morrison (the Doors), 
the Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. 
The Beatle's song "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" (along with a 
majority of their songs) is about the hallucinogen Angel Dust or PCP 

Crowley introduced Aldous Huxley (British author) to Peyote in the 
1930's. Huxley became a pioneer in self-directed psychedelic use and 
was known as the spiritual father of the hippie movement. It is said 
he took 100 micrograms of LSD as he lay on his deathbed.

Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan.

One-third of the Satanic Bible, the Equinox, was taken directly from 
the writings of Crowley. LaVey admitted that Satanism is simply a 
worshipping of one's self when he stated; "This is a very selfish 
religion. We believe in greed, we believe in selfishness, we believe 
in the lustful thoughts that motivate man, because this is man's 
natural, uh, feeling".

L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of the Church of Scientology) modeled his 
teachings and symbols after Crowley. Timothy Leary considered himself 
to be a reincarnation of Aleister Crowley and is quoted as saying 
that he has "carried on much of Aleister Crowley's works. Leary was 
influential in the music of Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead 
(Jerry Garcia died of a heart attack in a drug rehabilitation centre 
on August 9, 1995 after struggling with heroin addiction) and Jimi 
Hendrix (died September 18, 1970 apparently from drowning in his own 
vomit after drinking wine and ingesting sleeping pills).

Satanism, ritual sexual abuse, black magic, intertwined with mood 
altering chemicals and hallucinogenic visions are alive and well today.

Our world today is permeated with overindulgence, violence, 
paganistic rituals, domestic abuse and a complete lack of taking 
responsibility for one's own actions and behaviours. We are 
influenced by those who walked before us. We should strive to emulate 
the positive leaders from our past instead of those who breed 
dysfunction. If we want our universe to become a better place for 
future generations, then we need to take a stand against the 
dominating factors in our lives and show strong leadership skills 
which will in turn influence others. We are the role models for our 
youth. We are the one's who should be assuming mentorship roles.

"Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and 
learn again to exercise his will, his personal responsibility". 
(Albert Schweitzer, Humanitarian)

You may contact me at (888) 613-2667, mailing address: PO Box 1150, 
Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 or email me at Counselling services in Fort St. James are:

. Fort Alcohol & Drug Service 250-996-8411

. Nechako Valley Community Services 250-996-7645

. Nak'azdli Health Centre 250-996-7400

. Tl'azt'en Nation Health Centre 250-648-3350

. Beacon of Recovery Counselling Services (866) 613-2667

. Adventures in Recovery Counselling (888) 613-2667
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart