Pubdate: Tue, 13 Jan 2009
Source: Mountaineer, The (Rocky Mountain House, CN AB)
Copyright: 2009 The Mountaineer Publishing Company, Ltd.
Author: Stu Salkeld
Bookmark: (Youth)


A recent survey conducted by the West Country Drug Coalition and
assisted by local schools could reveal a bit about the lives of local

WCDC board member and Rocky Town councillor Sheila Mizera said a
15-page survey was given to all students Grade 6 to 12 at West Central
High, St. Dominic Catholic High, Pioneer School, Rocky Christian,
David Thompson High, Condor School, Caroline School, Sunchild School,
O'Chiese School, Leslieville School and St. Matthew Catholic School.

Mizera said the survey was a follow-up to the recent "Slay the Dragon"
conference, and is the same survey administered to schools in the
Drayton Valley region.

The survey includes many questions about students' experiences,
exposure and knowledge of illegal drugs and drug culture.

Mizera said many local elected officials have been working on this
issue, and have been told by sources such as AADAC that perception and
reality are not always the same thing.

She said the perception can sometimes be that there is a drug problem
affecting most or all teens, for example. Mizera said this survey is
one way of finding out if perceptions match reality.

She noted past surveys have shown most kids are on the straight and
narrow. "The results show there are more kids doing the right thing
than there are kids making the wrong choices," said Mizera at The
Mountaineer office January 9.

"It goes back to facts and data. You can't make change unless you know
what reality is, as compared to perception."

The anonymous survey was conducted January 9, and because it was 15
pages long, kids were also given a treat for completing it.

Mizera stated the WCDC has been running "Charge!" ads in local
newspapers to raise interest, and she noted it's linked to the theme,
"Take charge of your life and make good choices."

Mizera provided some sample questions:

Q) If I have problems or questions, I can talk to ...

___ My Parents
___ My Teachers
___ Adult Neighbours
___ Social Workers
___ My Employer
___ My Friends
___ Guidance Counselors
___ The Police
___ The Town Office
___ A Religious Leader
___ Other
___ No One

Q) Do you use marijuana?

___ Never used ___ Used but quit ___ Experimented with 1 or 2 times
___ Used 4 or 5 times ___ Usually use a few times a month ___ Usually
use a few times a week ___ Usually use every day

Q) If you have used marijuana, when did you start?

___ Never used ___ After Grade 12 ___ Grade 12 ___ Grade 11 ___ Grade
10 ___ Grade 9 ___ Grade 8 ___ Grade 7 ___ Grade 6 ___ Before Grade 6
___ Don't remember

Q) I can get marijuana ... Please check any of the boxes you feel are

___ I don't use it so I don't try to get it ___ At home because my
parents don't mind ___ At home because I have brothers or sisters who
can get it for me ___ From my friends ___ By buying it at school ___
By buying it somewhere other than school ___ I don't know where to get

Q) Have you used any of the following drugs (illegally or for
non-medical purposes)? Please check any of the boxes that apply to

___ None of these ___ Crack/Cocaine ___ Heroin ___ Codeine/Tylenol 3
(T3s) ___ Mescaline ___ Acid / LSD

Mizera said the various school results of the surveys will be
compiled, and compared not only to each other but to the Drayton
Valley results as well. She said the results will be made public.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin