Pubdate: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 Source: Abbotsford News (CN BC) Copyright: 2009 Abbotsford News Contact: Website: Details: POLICE CONTINUE 'TARNISH' EFFORT Abbotsford Police have released the fourth in a series of posters designed to get youth thinking about the dangers of gang involvement. The poster shows an image of a silhouette behind prison bars next to a caption reading, "Easy money can get you hard time." The campaign is part of the APD's Operation Tarnish, which is looking to take the "shine off" the gang lifestyle, and get kids talking about issues that affect them, said Const. Ian MacDonald. "We are continuing in our efforts to engage youth and the community in tackling the serious issues of gangs, criminal activity, involvement with drugs and the consequences that stem from these choices." As an additional part of the program, police officers will start high school presentations this month in a move to spur further dialogue with youth. "Our position throughout the campaign is that we need to listen to our youth, and it is the objective of the Abbotsford Police Department to be in the schools to do exactly that," said MacDonald. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake