Pubdate: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2009 The Vancouver Sun Contact: Website: Details: Bookmark: (Women) PROSTITUTION CRACKDOWN NETS 38 PEOPLE Police arrested 38 people over a four-week period in a crackdown on prostitution in Maple Ridge's downtown core. RCMP said in a news release Wednesday that 23 women and 15 men were arrested for communicating for the purpose of prostitution, in an operation targeting an area south of the Lougheed Highway, between 222nd and 225th streets. "This is the third or fourth time Ridge Meadows RCMP has tackled this problem in the last two years," Supt. Dave Walsh said in a written statement. "The majority of these women have drug addictions, and are not able to hold a job and earn money. We need to intervene, and offer alternative choices, to help these people make better decisions. In every case, we offered the women counselling services through Alouette Addictions, in an effort to start a change in these choices the women make." Walsh said the men arrested were referred to the John Howard Society, which runs a "John" school that "shows the men how prostitution encourages the women to continue this lifestyle." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D