Pubdate: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW) Section: Feature Article Website: Author: Nicolas Eyle Note: Nicolas Eyle is Executive Director or ReconsiDer. This piece first appeared at the organization's web site: HOW TO CREATE A PROBLEM WHERE NONE EXISTS How do you create a problem where none exists? Not a commonly asked question, true, but our government has been touting the dangers of marijuana for decades and that is getting harder and harder in the face of growing mountains of evidence to the contrary. Here's one tact they've taken recently. AllTranz, Inc. is a specialty pharmaceutical company based in Lexington, KY. The National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Institute on Drug Addiction (NIDA) just have given AllTranz a $4 million grant to develop a way to administer marijuana through the skin, something akin to a nicotine patch to aid the growing number of marijuana addicts trying to get off the stuff. "What growing number of marijuana addicts?" you ask. If you are the federal government trying desperately to perpetuate their ill-conceived prohibition of marijuana you can point to the rapidly-growing number of marijuana users seeking treatment for their problem. NIDA director Nora Volkow says the agency "is interested in exploring the role of transdermal THC delivery as an innovative way to treat marijuana withdrawal symptoms and dependence. This is especially relevant to our efforts to fill a critical gap in available treatments for the many Americans struggling with marijuana-related disorders and their detrimental medical and social consequences." So how many marijuana addicted Americans are there? According the NIH there are about a million of them! According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there are actually 287,933. A considerably smaller number but still not insignificant. were it true. The standard definition of addiction in the DSM IV is "the state of being psychologically and physiologically dependent on a drug". Well according to SAMHSA of that 287,933 who listed marijuana dependence as the primary reason for admission to treatment 37% hadn't used marijuana in the 30 days prior to their admission. Another 16 percent of those admitted said they'd only used three times or less in the month prior to their admission. Doesn't really sound like these folks were particularly psychologically and physiologically dependent on marijuana. So once again we ask "where are these marijuana addicts coming from?" SAMHSA statistics show 6 out of 10 people admitted to treatment for marijuana are referred to through the criminal justice system. They are given a choice . go to treatment or go to jail. SAMHSA's report says "In 2007, the criminal justice system was the largest single source of referrals to the substance abuse treatment system. [T]he majority of these referrals were from parole and probation offices." So your tax dollars were spent, elected officials from Kentucky can get credit for creating jobs at AllTranz, (and probably contributions from AllTranz's executives), NIDA gets credit for working to solve a growing problem which is, after all, what the National Institute of Health is supposed to do, so where is the harm? For starters several thousand people have been forced to waste a substantial part of their lives going through "treatment" for a non- existent addiction. Most will also get criminal drug possession charges on their records following them for life, impeding their chances of finding jobs or money to go to school. The myth of marijuana addiction is reinforced as these inflated numbers go unquestioned by the media... so much for the President's promise... "I'll change the posture of our federal government from being one of the most anti-science administrations in American history to one that embraces science and technology." The lies being propagated to preserve marijuana prohibition now rival those told to introduce it. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake