Pubdate: Wed, 09 Dec 2009
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2009 The Denver Post Corp
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


It's good that a state senator is taking on the issue  of medical
marijuana regulation, but we question the  legislation's details.

State Sen. Chris Romer has crafted a 63-page bill that  attempts to
throw a regulatory harness on the  blossoming medical marijuana industry.

We appreciate the hard work that went into creating the  bill, but our
first reaction is to question whether it  really ought to be so complex.

Romer's draft bill would create three classes of clinic  and grower
licenses; it would create a medical  marijuana review board to look at
requests from those  younger than 21; and it would allow some medical
professionals, such as registered nurses, to become  medical marijuana

And that's just the beginning.

It's clear Romer has listened to the constituencies  involved, and is
trying to devise a bill that  professionalizes medical marijuana delivery.

Think doctor's office instead of head shop.

And we believe that is the way medical marijuana  delivery should be
structured. That certainly is in  keeping with what voters approved in
2000 when they  supported medical marijuana use for sick people.

Medical marijuana shouldn't be a back-door to  legalizing pot, but we
have a system now that allows  for "patients" to lie to doctors who
then, with a wink  and a nod, sign off on its use. Yet, that's clearly
  what we have in Colorado, and the industry is growing  by leaps and

It is obvious that lawmakers need to get a handle on  the situation.
But in looking at the proposed new  regulations, licenses, reviews and
potential taxes in  the legislation, we are left wondering whether it
should be so complicated.

Colorado is at a crossroads, and lawmakers must decide  if they want
to return to the system we had before the  proliferation of
dispensaries or endorse a regulated  market of marijuana

We are not willing to so quickly give up on the system  that seemed to
work well enough until this summer. That  was a system whereby
caregivers were limited to five  patients, a framework that did not
economically support  large-scale medical marijuana

We question whether, as some assert, the model would  force sick,
older people to a dark parking lot to buy  medical marijuana from
someone they met on the  Internet.

And Romer admitted to us that the vast majority of the  14 other
states that have legalized medical marijuana  have a similar
limitation on patient loads.

Even in the limited patient scenario, it is clear that  something
would have to be done legislatively to  provide legal footing for
growers so that quality  marijuana could be provided for the truly

We also strongly support tightening up the process by  which patients
get on the registry, and we would like  to see a system through which
phonies would be culled  from the registry over time.

We're pleased Romer has opened the discussion with a  weighty document
that surely will prompt debate, but we  think it's a long way from
being something legislators  ought to approve. 
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