Pubdate: Fri, 30 Jan 2009
Source: Detroit Free Press (MI)
Copyright: 2009 Detroit Free Press
Author: Zlati Meyer


A Southfield substance-abuse center for teens has  closed after 16 
years because of the economic downturn,  leaving roughly 20 staffers 
without jobs and dozens of  young addicts without treatment.

Pathway Family Center, 23100 Providence, closed Jan.  23, a couple of 
months after the nonprofit group's  facility in Milford, Ohio, was 
shuttered, spokeswoman  Laurie Franke-Polz said Thursday.

Pathway's two other sites, in Porter, Ind., and  Indianapolis, remain open.

"It was closed because of the economic conditions, so  we'll be 
keeping very close tabs," she said. "We're  hoping the economy will 
turn, so we can reopen."

She explained that Pathway, a residential program that  places teens 
who have alcohol and drug addictions with  host families, saw a 
decrease in the number of clients.  Normally, the center aids 40 to 
50 families at a time  with treatments typically lasting six to nine 
months,  stays which insurance companies tend to partly cover.

"We're working with families very closely," Franke-Polz  said. "There 
will be a clinical plan of care.

"Some of them, we'll set them up with other facilities,  so their 
care will continue, and some will transfer to  our Indianapolis site."

But for those whom the substance-abuse center helped --  like Hugh 
Bowman, whose son graduated from the program  in 1995 and his 
daughter-in-law a few years later --  closing the Southfield site is 

"I'm sad to see it go because I know a lot of good  things have 
happened through Pathway," the 67-year-old  Westland resident said 
Thursday. "It's to be expected  because Michigan is hit so hard."
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart