Pubdate: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 Source: Times, The (UK) Copyright: 2009 Times Newspapers Ltd Contact: Details: Author: Mark Henderson, Science Editor Bookmark: Bookmark: Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom) Bookmark: (Ecstasy) SCIENCE ADVISERS GIVEN RIGHT TO DISSENT Scientists who advise the Government will be expected to develop a "shared position" with ministers on controversial topics, under guidelines issued after the row over the sacking of David Nutt, the government chief drugs adviser. While a statement of principles for scientific advisers, published yesterday, recognises their right to dissent publicly from government policy, they will also be required to avoid "undermining mutual trust". The principles were drawn up by Lord Drayson, the Science Minister, after Alan Johnson's dismissal of Professor Nutt as chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs because of his criticism of classification decisions on cannabis and Ecstasy. Five other members of the council also resigned in protest. Lord Drayson also criticised his Cabinet colleague for failing to consult him before sacking Professor Nutt. The principles state that advisers can speak freely about their areas of expertise, even when they disagree with government policy, and that ministers should not interfere with their work. The guidelines will be considered in a consultation on science advice that runs until February. Lord Drayson said: "Ministers rely on scientific advice to develop sound government policy. The relationship between ministers and advisers is an important one. These principles are designed to strengthen that relationship further." They emphasise the importance of academic freedom, and the responsibilities of both scientists and ministers." Science organisations welcomed most of the principles, but expressed concern over a statement that "the Government and its scientific advisers should work together to reach a shared position, and neither should act to undermine mutual trust". Tracey Brown, of the charity Sense About Science, said this could create the appearance of collusion between scientists and the Government and undermine public trust, and that the "mutual trust" clause could be used as an excuse for sacking advisers who take unhelpful positions. "This seems to describe exactly the collusion between ministers and advisers on animal feed that preceded BSE." she said. "It re-introduces the ambiguity that we thought we were all seeking to eliminate through the development of these principles. How will advisers know whether, in answering a question at a lecture or from a journalist one morning, they might be undermining mutual trust with the Government?" Nick Dusic, the director of the Campaign for Science and Engineering, said: "Lord Drayson has acted swiftly to rebuild confidence in the Government's scientific advisory system. "However, the Government's principles on scientific advice do not explicitly protect scientific advisers from being summarily dismissed by ministers in the future. This needs to be rectified in the final version so that scientific advisers can feel safe in discussing the evidence relevant to controversial policy issues." Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat science spokesman, said: "The Government's proposals, in their current form, torpedo the principles by their inclusion of the unjustified, undefined, and unfair requirements for independent scientific advisers not to act to 'undermine mutual trust' with ministers. "This means that whenever a minister decides -- perhaps due to a bad headline -- that they no longer want to trust a particular adviser, then that adviser can be deemed to have breached one of these high-level principles and be sacked." Professor Nutt said he felt vindicated by the principles. "If my interpretation of these principles is correct, then the public comments that the Home Secretary sacked me for would now be acceptable and allowed. I would like the Government to confirm this," he said. "Trust is a two-way process, not something that can be imposed by ministerial decree. I hope the Government understands this." - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake