Pubdate: Wed, 23 Dec 2009
Source: Daily Item, The (Lynn, MA)
Copyright: 2009 Hastings & Sons Publishing Co., Inc.
Author: Robin Kaminski
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


LYNN - The topic of  medicinal marijuana is one that can go up in 
smoke  according to Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins and  state 
Rep. Robert Fennell.

To date, four sheriffs in Massachusetts have come out  in support of 
the bill: Carmen Massimiano of Berkshire  County, Robert Garvey of 
Hampshire County, Richard  Bretschneider of Nantucket County, and 
Andrea Cabral of  Suffolk County.

But Cousins, however, said he considers marijuana and  alcohol to be 
gateway drugs and is not in favor of  marijuana being decriminalized 
for medicinal purposes.

"What we are finding are people trying to get off of  prescription 
drugs and illegal drugs, and that is what  scares me about this 
medical marijuana," he said.  "People say, I have Zoloft, Xanax and 
Vicodin from a  doctor that is prescribed. When they abuse it, that 
is where the problems come in like a ladder, going to more  potent 
drugs and that is not acceptable to me."

Last month, the Massachusetts Bar Association's House  of Delegates 
voted in favor to support a bipartisan  medical marijuana bill that 
was introduced in the State  House earlier this year.

The bill would regulate the medical use of marijuana by  patients 
approved by physicians and certified by the  department of public 
health. Former Massachusetts Bar Association president David  White, 
who introduced the measure, said the MBA  supports the legislation 
because it affirms the rights  of patients to be treated with medical 
marijuana, while  including important regulations to deter improper use.

"Provisions like state-issued ID cards for patients,  state 
certification of a limited number of dispensaries  and rules 
governing secure growing sites, ensure that  only patients who have 
their doctor's recommendation  can obtain medical marijuana," he said.

Cousins said he has noticed an alarming number of  people who are 
released from prison that go through  re-entry programs and are found 
to be addicted to  prescription drugs.

"My goal is to get people drug and alcohol free when  incarcerated 
and to keep them that way," he said.

To date, 13 states have passed  medical marijuana laws, including 
Rhode Island and  Vermont, with legislation being considered in 14 
other  states including New York and New Jersey.

Despite those states approving the bill, Fennell said  he has 
identified certain flaws and lack of safeguards  to prevent people 
from illegally sharing or selling the  drug.

"As history has shown us, opening up this Pandora's box  would be 
doing more harm to our society in the long  term," he said. "In the 
late 1800s, cocaine was  considered an acceptable pain relief 
medication, but  after the United States government took note of the 
5,000 deaths due to overdoses of this drug, it was  banned under the 
Harrison Act of 1914. I am confident  that a safer alternative to 
medical marijuana can be  used as well, that is as effective, but 
does not pose  the same negative social impact."

The entire text of the bill can be read at 
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