Pubdate: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 Source: Summit Daily News (CO) Copyright: 2009 Summit Daily News Contact: Website: Details: Author: ALLEN BEST CRESTED BUTTE MULLING POT DISPENSARIES CRESTED BUTTE - The rule-making for who can sell medical marijuana and under what terms has gotten complicated in Crested Butte, where 10 people have inquired about the potential for setting up a business. Rules being reviewed by the town council, reports the Crested Butte News, call for operations only between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., and somewhat removed from schools and parks. Whom they can sell paraphernalia to seems to be still up for debate. The owner of a store that sells tobacco and paraphernalia dislikes the idea of the medical marijuana businesses edging into his paraphernalia sales. "It's not like this is New York or Denver, with a huge customer base," protested John Benn. He predicted he might go out of business. ALLEN BEST - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart