Pubdate: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 Source: Cord Weekly, The (CN ON Edu) Copyright: 2009 The Cord Weekly Contact: Details: Author: Amber Cordeiro Bookmark: (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) Bookmark: (Hemp - Outside U.S.) HIGH FASHION Whether hanging as a canvas or on an organic hemp and cotton blend t-shirt, MaryJane Goods delivers the best in genetic coded marijuana art Though popular culture might have us believe it, marijuana use is not restricted to just us young folks. Founder of MaryJane Goods Darrin Grandmason discovered that young and old alike have a passion for cannabis sativa. Taking the drug to an artistic level, MaryJane Goods delivers a special product unlike anything currently on the market. Grandmason recognized the budding market for marijuana-related artwork and founded MaryJane Goods, which he claims is "the only producer, marketer and retailer of specialty products featuring the genetic fingerprint of the cannabis sativa plant." The idea for transforming marijuana's genetic code into artwork came to Grandmason - who had previously completed an advanced microbiology course - while he was working on the creation of genetic prints of spices for an Australian client in the culinary arts business. "I started thinking of other plants to do and it kind of dawned on me that maybe I should try and run 'Mary Jane's' fingerprint,'" said Grandmason. Now the unique design appears on a range of products from t-shirts, art stash boxes and canvasses to special client requests for custom products. Despite common assumptions that marijuana users are mostly delinquent youth, Darrin describes his clients as a "cross-representation of a bunch of generations, generations Y, X and baby-boomers." "I think the appeal is the fact that it's kind of an inside joke for them, because it is more discrete than a large marijuana leaf on a t-shirt." The range of people interested in the design surprised Grandmason. "[It] was more [well] received than I thought it would be, because I thought a lot of people would think 'losers' and 'stoners' and things like that." Along with a distinctive design concept, Grandmason also believes it is important for MaryJane Goods to maintain a level of environmental conscientiousness and social responsibility. In a consumer culture where it seems every commodity we purchase has excessive plastic and cardboard packaging, MaryJane Goods tries to cut back on the kind of packaging that is harmful to the earth. "I thought it was very important we use minimum secondary packaging when we ship the products, and we tend to use and stick towards the recyclable and renewable resources that have the least impact on the environment, like hemp," said Grandmason. In fact, all the t-shirts are made from 70 percent hemp, and 30 percent organic cotton. In addition, the company also participates in a carbon fund. "We purchase back our carbon units that are generated from shipping the product, handling the product and maintaining a manufacturing site," said Grandmason. "We zero ourselves down, so we are in fact using zero carbon units." A portion of profit from each product sold - 4.20 percent to be exact - - is donated to Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) which is "an international grassroots network of students who are concerned about the impact drug abuse has on our communities," explained Grandmason. Grandmason said they chose SSDP because, "We looked at a bunch of different charities, but I think SSDP had the greatest appeal to us because it starts right in the communities themselves.... It has the greatest impact at the community level." In Canada, products can be purchased online at T-shirt prices start at $45, art stash boxes are $39 and canvas starts at $89, but they will take requests for other items such as skateboard decks, wallpaper, and larger print formats. When asked what Grandmason has learned from this project, he replied, "The assumptions you would make about the typical person that might be a fan or aficionado of 'Mary Jane' is not at all the typical person. "There are doctors, lawyers, soccer moms, and athletes - It blew my assumptions." - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin