Pubdate: Tue, 10 Feb 2009
Source: Peace Arch News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2009 Peace Arch News
Author: Scott Balbach



Re: Fire Chief Lobbies B.C. Over Grow-Ops, Feb. 6.

I share fire Chief Len Garis' concern regarding the dangers of grow-ops.
They're a real threat to our safety.

I have a possible solution, albeit an unpopular one. Please read the whole
letter before jumping to any conclusion.

Let's make pot legal. In this way, we eliminate the need for these
clandestine operations which pose such a risk to society. Besides, we
could all benefit from the increased tax revenues, and, like tobacco and
alcohol, it's sale and distribution would be regulated.

We have to wonder, too, if making pot legal would also decrease the demand
for it.

I know for me, alcohol and tobacco were a lot more desirable when I was
underage and it was illegal; when I could legally drink and smoke, it
wasn't the big deal I thought it was.

I don't advocate smoking pot, nor do I advocate smoking tobacco or
drinking alcohol. They're individual choices.

But given all the negatives associated with tobacco and alcohol use, we've
come to enjoy the financial benefits garnered from their sale and
regulatory processes.

Why not add marijuana to the list of "unhealthy, dangerous but acceptable"
products on the market?

For the last 50 years, over and over again, we've seen failed attempts to
put an end to drug use, and we're no closer today than we were then.

We must face the fact that pot is something some people will always want
and, as such, there will always be those ready to grow it and sell it.

Let's legalize it, regulate it, tax it and reap the benefits of a newfound
source of revenue.

I want to stress, too, we must do better at educating our young on the
detrimental effects of abuse of any drug, legal or not.

Like tobacco and alcohol, pot is here to stay. Let's all profit from it.

Scott Balbach,

White Rock
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MAP posted-by: Doug