Pubdate: Sun, 15 Feb 2009
Source: Chico Enterprise-Record (CA)
Copyright: 2009 Chico Enterprise-Record
Note: Letters from newspaper's circulation area receive publishing priority
Author: Larry Mitchell


CHEROKEE -- Since her childhood in Pasadena, Cynthia  Stevenson has 
dreamed of living on a farm.

Eighteen months ago, she thought the dream had come  true, when she 
bought 10 acres in Cherokee, a rural  community near Table Mountain.

Stevenson moved into a small cabin and planted an  orchard on the 
property. She named the place Windsong  Ranch.

"You hear the wind in the digger pines and oaks," she  said. "It was so quiet."

Stevenson has horses and turkeys and chickens. And she  bought three 
puppies - Australian shepherds - from a  local breeder. She named 
them Lenny, Sonny and Cody.  She's got a couple of cats, too.

"This is my Shangri-la," she said. "My sanctuary after  dealing with people."

Stevenson has worked as a home-health nurse for Feather  River 
Hospital in Paradise for nearly 20 years.

Windsong Ranch was idyllic for about six months.

At that point, she started having trouble with some  people who she 
said were growing "medical marijuana" on  land they own in the area.

One of their pit bulls attacked one of her turkeys, she  said. They 
threw big parties and made a lot of noise.  One man would walk around 
naked, sometimes in view of  other people living in the area, she said.

Stevenson said she complained to authorities: county  supervisors, 
county code-enforcement officers, the  district attorney and the sheriff.

She complained that the people who were bothering her  were camping 
illegally on their property. She raised  questions about sanitation 
and building codes.

The main result of her complaints was to bring  retaliation from 
those neighbors, she said. She began  noticing people following her. 
People connected with  the pot-growing operation would try to "stare 
her down," she said.

On the evening of Oct. 5, Stevenson said, she came home  to find her 
three dogs missing.

She talked to neighbors, but none of them had seen the dogs.

She's convinced they were taken by the people who'd  been bothering her.

She has four security cameras on her property. They  showed the dogs 
had been around all day, but then at  about 4 p.m., there was no 
further sight of them.

Stevenson talked to neighbors but no one had seen the  dogs. She put 
up posters, she said, put an ad in the  newspaper, contacted local 
shelters and Australian  shepherd rescue organizations. She offered a reward.

Losing the dogs was devastating, she said. "They are  very devoted 
and so intelligent. I'd clap and they'd  come. They were devoted to 
me and I was devoted to  them. They were always by my side."

Weeks went by with no sign of the dogs.

Late in December, Stevenson said she got a call from  Butte Humane 
Society, saying that two Australian  shepherds had been turned in at 
the shelter in Chico.  She went and checked but found they weren't her dogs.

A week later, she was checking the Web site of an  organization 
called NorCal Aussie Rescue, when she saw  a dog she was sure was Sonny.

He was said to be at Butte Humane Society in Chico. The  listing said 
someone had found him wandering in the  woods near Forest Ranch, 
hungry and bedraggled, with  vultures circling over him.

"You don't think I was moved to tears?" Stevenson said.

She contacted the shelter and learned that Sonny had  already been 
adopted and was now living in the Bay  Area.

She tried to get Sonny's new owners to return him, but  they were unwilling.

Today, Stevenson is still looking for Lenny and Cody,  and she hopes 
the family that adopted Sonny might  change their minds about keeping him.

She's not happy with the Butte Humane Society and while  she knows 
local police are very busy, she says she  can't understand why 
officers kept telling her their  "hands were tied" when it came to 
dealing with her  predicament.

These days, Stevenson's feelings about her Shangri-la  are very mixed.

"Had I known there was so much pot being grown out  there, I probably 
wouldn't have bought the property,"  she said. "It was just beautiful."

But her neighbors' efforts to intimidate her have  strengthened her 
resolve to stay there, she said. "It  only made me angrier. Makes me 
want to dig my heels in.  Ain't nobody going to run me off the land. 
Sorry,  folks."

Staff writer Larry Mitchell can be reached at 896-7759  or BACKGROUND: Cynthia Stevenson, a registered nurse,  moved into a 
cabin on 10 acres of land she bought in  Cherokee.

WHAT HAPPENED: She said some people in the area who  were growing 
marijuana harassed her continually, trying  to get her to move away.

WHAT'S NEXT: Stevenson said she won't leave her land.  She hopes for 
the return of three dogs she said were  stolen from her.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart