Pubdate: Sun, 15 Feb 2009
Source: Press & Sun-Bulletin (Binghamton, NY)
Copyright: 2009 Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin
Author: Tara Mowery


Being a teenager and being a high school student, I  know that many
things go on at school right under  administrators' noses. Although
things have been done  to lower the use of drugs, adults would cringe
at the  thought of what goes on inside a high school setting.

There is a huge problem today with teenagers and  habitual drug use,
and a contribution to that issue may  be how easy it is to obtain
drugs. What is being done  to stop this? Random searches are just not
enough  anymore, because in public schools, drugs are sold and  used
on campus every day and every day these teenagers  get away with it.
Cell phone use is also a huge  contribution; almost all drug deals are
made using text  messaging.

Banning cell phones and having more random searches  could possibly
help resolve this problem, yet you have  to deal with the issue of
parents arguing that the  school board is invading their child's privacy.

There is no easy solution, and I don't believe that any  steps will be
taken in the near future to help resolve  this problem until adults
wake up and realize what's  actually going on. When buying pot is as
easy as buying  gum, you should realize that something needs to be 

Tara Mowery

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