Pubdate: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 Source: Burlington Post (CN ON) Copyright: 2009 Burlington Post Contact: Details: Author: Don MacEacheran Referenced: READER GIVES CREDIT TO KINDOS Re: The Post, Feb 11, Gator Ted's owner to fight pot-smoking case. It was with great frustration to read an article about a small business owner pitted against the Ontario Human Rights Commission over an individual who wants to execute his right as a citizen to smoke marijuana right in front of a local family establishment. There is no question that Mr. Gibson has rights, and they need to be respected and upheld. What I do question is the manner in which he decides to express them. There must be some sense of logic, suitability, and common sense that appears to be absent in this story. What is considered "legal" does not need to be exploited. Perhaps what is also legal is the freedom to protect one's reputation and business to avoid a negative perception that the establishment is of ill repute, and as any Burlington resident knows, that is not the case. I give credit to the owner, Ted Kindos, for at least attempting to be understanding and professional in moving this forward. The only consequence and reward is that his business is now in jeopardy. At the same time, the government picks up (Gibson's legal) tab of $40,000. Don MacEacheran Burlington - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin