Pubdate: Mon, 23 Feb 2009
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2009 The Vancouver Sun
Author: Ian Mulgrew
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


Marijuana and drug trafficking are the central catalysts in the 
current Lower Mainland gang war, yet we are discussing everything 
except the obvious solution -- an end to the continental prohibition 
on illicit drugs.

If U.S. President Barack Obama can frankly admit his past illegal 
drug use, hasn't the time come for us to start talking seriously 
about an end to the so-called War on Drugs launched by his disgraced 
predecessor Richard Nixon?

I believe we are about to undergo a rather abrupt cultural change 
around marijuana as its medical use becomes common instead of novel 
and the public learns more about the drug.

Two recent separate appellate court judgments in Canada have set the 
stage for a revolutionary change to the federal medical marijuana 
program by ordering Ottawa to loosen the marijuana-production rules.

With between 400,000 and one million potential patients from sea unto 
sea, the general familiarity that should follow will breed a far more 
educated public than the one that now is easily misled about pot and 
its effects.

We should take advantage of that attitudinal shift. As people learn 
more about marijuana and become more educated about addiction and 
drug use, saner policies should become more salable.

U.S. drug policy is already seeing radical change for those reasons.

Those who continue to offer the hoary shibboleth that Canada can't 
consider legalization without offending Uncle Sam haven't kept up to date.

Massachusetts voters last year passed a statewide initiative to 
decriminalize marijuana. Thirteen states already have laws permitting 
medicinal use of pot.

New Mexico, the most recent to liberalize its laws in 2007, is trying 
to figure out how to supply the roughly 200 patients it has licensed 
to possess up to six ounces of marijuana.

Those suffering from cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, 
AIDS and certain spinal cord injuries can qualify. Eight additional 
conditions have been recommended for the list, including Lou Gehrig's 
disease, fibromyalgia and post-traumatic stress disorder. Hospice 
patients are also eligible.

California has a dispensary system -- dozens of outlets that sell 
cannabis products. The former Bush administration actively tried to 
subvert these state initiatives by having federal agencies continue 
to enforce the national marijuana criminal law.

Obama indicates he wants to see state wishes respected and has 
repeatedly promised a change in federal drug policy in situations 
where laws allow use of medical marijuana.

"I think the basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same 
purposes and with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by 
doctors, I think that's entirely appropriate," he said.

Obama, 47, is my contemporary and our generation has had plenty of 
exposure to pot and drug-law hypocrisy.

In his memoir, Dreams from My Father, the new president admits using 
marijuana and cocaine in the context of trying to find himself. 
Imagine if he had been busted -- no more future, no more audacity of 
hope; he would have had trouble getting a job with a criminal record, 
forget about running for office.

Obama's candour promises real change.

Let's face it. The current drug laws are not working. Too many lives 
have been lost, too many families shattered and too many futures 
ruined by the War on Drugs. It is too expensive and it is socially 
corrosive. It is time to end it.

With its own mounting sanguinary gang problem, Mexico already is 
debating sweeping drug-law reform at a national level.

Just as we ended the alcohol prohibition in the face of gang violence 
and mounting social costs, we need to end the drug prohibition. Drug 
use should be a medical issue, not a crime.

Donald MacPherson, the city's drug policy guru, says a sanctioned 
discussion is needed about what the end of prohibition might look like.

The city's 2005 anti-drug strategy called for a national dialogue, 
but the political will has been lacking. Mayor Gregor Robertson is of 
the same generation and likes to draw comparisons between himself and 
Obama. He should lead on this issue.

The shootings and the deaths of the last few weeks underscore the 
need to reform our drug laws. Let's "officially" start to talk about it.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom