Pubdate: Wed, 25 Mar 2009
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2009 The Ottawa Citizen
Author: Jake Rupert


City councillor Gord Hunter says he has no regrets about telling a 
medical marijuana user who feels his human rights were abused to "grow up."

Nor does the plain-spoken Knoxville-Merivale councillor think that 
Diane Deans had any reason to apologize for him at a committee meeting Tuesday.

"She doesn't speak for me, and she doesn't speak for council," he said.

Hunter has a reputation for straight, often humorous, talk, but 
Russell Barth, who suffers from chronic pain due to fibromyalgia, 
wasn't laughing over an e-mail exchange he had with the veteran 
Ottawa politician last year.

Barth appeared before councillors, including Deans, on the city's 
members services committee Tuesday and accused Hunter of a 
"disgraceful display of intolerance."

Barth urged the panel to use a code of conduct for councillors being 
developed by staff to prevent such behaviour.

Barth said he was seeking help from Hunter because he felt that his 
human rights had been violated because on several occasions when 
using marijuana in public, he has been asked to go somewhere else.

Barth said he complained to his MP and MPP without success, filed an 
Ontario Human Rights Commission complaint and sent an e-mail to 
Hunter, who represents the ward he lives in, requesting a meeting and help.

Hunter's response was a surprise, Barth said.

"Tough luck on you that (you) feel you had your human rights 
violated," the councillor said.

The e-mail then says:

- - Barth's case seems no different than smokers being asked to move on;

- - others with similar conditions adapt and move on without smoking 
marijuana; and

- - Barth should smoke in private.

"If it is sympathy you are looking for, you won't find it here. Grow 
up and get on with your life and quit taking up taxpayers' dollars 
and time with your frivolity."

At the meeting yesterday, Barth said what Hunter did amounts to 
discrimination, and suggested the councillors' code prohibit this conduct.

"He shouldn't be allow to dump on people like that, there should be 
some sort of rule against this," Barth said.

City lawyer Rick O'Connor said the code could contain some general 
language requiring courtesy, but the real judge would be voters.

Councillors agreed, but before moving on, Deans said, "I think what 
our colleague said in that e-mail is inappropriate. I'd like to 
apologize to you an behalf of council."

In an interview later, Hunter, who doesn't sit on the committee, said 
he stands by his words to Barth in the e-mail.

"I just don't think his human rights were violated by people asking 
him not to smoke marijuana around them. He sent a frank e-mail, and I 
sent a frank e-mail."

As for Deans' apology, he said he thinks she was probably trying to 
defuse an uncomfortable situation, but then he added:

"She doesn't speak for me, and she doesn't speak for council. If (the 
Gloucester-Southgate councillor) wants to do that, she should run for mayor."

Later, Deans acknowledged she shouldn't have apologized on behalf of 
council, but she said she still thinks Hunter's response to Barth was 

"I don't think there's ever an excuse for being rude, and I thought 
that he was rude," she said.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart