Pubdate: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 Source: Observer, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2009, OSPREY Media Group Inc. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Neil Bowen Bookmark: (Marijuana - Canada) Bookmark: (Marijuana and Driving) NEW LAW TESTED Court: Police Use Drug Recognition Officer The first use of new law in Sarnia brought a driver suspected of being impaired by drugs before the courts Tuesday. The 26-year-old man, who was involved in a collision Monday evening collision, was arrested after being examined by a newly-trained drug recognition officer. "That's a first for the Sarnia Police Service, and perhaps a first for Lambton County and the area," said Sarnia police Const. Bill Baines. "There will be more." The new law came into effective July 2, 2008 but no officers were trained in drug recognition. The Sarnia officer, who was trained last fall, can do roadside testing to determine if a driver is impaired by drugs. The officer can also demand bodily fluid samples, including blood and urine, to be tested for drugs. Police use a roadside breath-testing machine to detect alcohol, but no such technology is available for drugs. It has become increasingly common in Lambton for drivers to be charged with marijuana possession, but there was no way to provide evidence that marijuana impaired their driving. A Transport Canada report concluded marijuana is second to alcohol as the most commonly used psychoactive drugs, and it does impair driving. In July, Police Chief Phil Nelson said the new law will provide the evidence needed for drug-impaired convictions. The outcome of the first charge will be watched with interest, Baines said. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake