Pubdate: Sun, 05 Apr 2009
Source: Hendersonville Times-News (NC)
Copyright: 2009 Hendersonville Newspaper Corporation
Author: Russell Barth


To The Editor: The war on certain drugs was never meant  to be won, it was
meant to be continuous. It was  designed specifically to reduce the civil
rights and  liberties of the general population, accustom them to  an
ongoing and ever-growing police and military  presence in their daily lives,
drain taxpayers' dollars  and to keep lawyers rich, cops busy and jails
full. In  that regard, it has been a huge success.

In the future, this war will be used to justify all  manner of
suppression of privacy and civil rights and  civil liberties. You
think Soviet Russia was bad? Or  Nazi Germany? Those totalitarian
prison states will  seem like summer camp in comparison to what is
coming  for North America. Cameras everywhere, ID checks and  sniffer
dogs on every street corner, drug testing,  forced military service,
your iPod and laptops being  scanned, zero privacy, internment camps
(most of which  are already built). Everything is almost in place -- 
both the laws and the technology -- and all Obama needs  is one
"emergency" to declare martial law. A war  (caused by U.S. drug
policy) on its southern border  should do nicely.

Russell Barth

Nepean, Ontario

Patients Against Ignorance and Discrimination on Cannabis
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin