Pubdate: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 Source: Statesman Journal (Salem, OR) Copyright: 2009 Statesman Journal Contact: Website: Details: Author: Thomas T. Schavland TAKING OVER MEDICAL MARIJUANA WOULD BE A WASTE OF MONEY There is muttering in the state Capitol proposing that Oregon should take exclusive marketing of "medical" marijuana. This action is supposed to eliminate the criminal marketing of this "crop" and provide the state with funds - similar to money realized through alcohol sales. Ahem. Of course, such reasoning presumes that the criminal cabal will voluntarily close up shop when the state competes with them. If your tongue is in your cheek, well, so is mine (and a lot of other people's). I was part of a law enforcement task force that spent a concentrated period of time scouring the shores of the Columbia from Hood River, to the coast, then down the coast to the California border. We located and "harvested" marijuana "grows" that filled a continuous fleet of Army "deuce-and-a-halfs" for delivery to an incinerator. And we only scratched the surface of that money-making illegal enterprise. The public funds needed to operate the agency needed to administer marijuana sales can be better spent on more law enforcement, since marijuana merchants haven't gone away - and won't. When you consider that Interstate 5 is known to law enforcement as "meth alley" (since state patrols have decreased), morphing Oregon into "marijuana acres" is unthinkable. Wake up, legislators, and smell the rose buds. Thomas T. Schavland Salem - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin