Pubdate: Wed, 06 May 2009
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2009 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Author: Dave Wilson


Recently, I read in the Leader-Post of the teenaged Edmonton girl who 
lost her life due to an overdose of the illegal drug ecstasy. The 
article also stated this drug, and others, are readily available 
wherever teenagers hang out.

More recently, I read it is taking seven Saskatchewan Court of Appeal 
justices to determine if an RCMP officer overstepped his authority 
when his intuition resulted in the arrest of a traveler whose car was 
loaded with 5,000 ecstasy pills and eight kilograms of marijuana.

What a waste of time and effort! The officer did his job and removed 
from circulation drugs that have the ability to kill our teenagers 
and make fortunes for the criminals who distribute them.

Our justice system apparently cannot figure out who the bad guy is.

My hope is that those defenders of our freedoms -- the lawyers whose 
skill, cunning and knowledge of our justice system allow criminals to 
carry on their trade, the lawmakers who rush to draft laws that fail 
to punish wrongdoers and the judges who fail to see the big picture 
- -- will someday be victims of the flawed justice system that they all 
have had a hand in designing and perpetuating.

Dave Wilson

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom