Pubdate: Mon, 11 May 2009
Source: Intelligencer, The (CN ON)
Page: 3
Copyright: 2009, Osprey Media Group Inc.
Author: Emma Koehle
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


To Legalize It Or Not -- At An Upcoming Event In Downtown Belleville

The public is invited to join in on a "session of conversation" May 
21 at 7 p. m. regarding the issues surrounding the use of marijuana. 
Representatives from National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws 
(NORML) will be visiting the Organic Underground on Front Street on a 
national fact finding tour.

Local supporters of the "National Resolution for the Legalization of 
Marijuana panel" Gary Magwood and Mike Baranik have helped to 
organize the event.

"What I'm hoping to achieve is to educate the public about 
marijuana," said Baranik.

A panel of well-informed marijuana activists have been invited to 
speak at the event including Lynne Belle Isle, an epidemiologist for 
the Canadian AIDs Society; Dr. Craig Jones, director of the John 
Howard Society of Canada; Al Graham, from Marijuana Awareness; and 
Magwood, coordinator of public and media relations for the Green 
Party of Canada Prince Edward-Hastings federal riding.

Discussions will include topics such as marijuana's effect on health 
- -- both the benefits and adverse effects, the legalization of 
marijuana in certain U. S. states as well as the recent legalization 
of all drugs in Portugal, and the history of the prohibition of drugs.

"I have no grand illusions about changing the law," said Baranik. "We 
want to encourage a healthy debate at this session." Baranik invites 
both supporters and those that are anti-drug to join in this 
dialectic and to voice their own opinions.

More information is available by calling Magwood at 613-966-1389.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom