Pubdate: Wed, 20 May 2009 Source: Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Copyright: 2009 Sun-Sentinel Company Contact: Website: Details: Author: Edward Beck MARIJUANA NOT ALL BAD Anti-legalization of marijuana forces often use that tired, old adage that marijuana leads to harder drugs. Yes, and to quote the late George Carlin, mother's milk leads to everything. Perhaps one of the reasons marijuana is a starter drug for many is that the people selling it also sell the more profitable harder drugs. The percentage of people who are addiction-prone, who could become addicted to things not inherently addictive, is small in relation to the population at large. These are people who can become addicted to cookies or French fries. Should we ban them, too, as obesity is unhealthy and raises medical costs for all? Oh, wait, we're sort of in the process of doing that. Let's all deal in reality. Alcohol prohibition cost this country much in the way of gangs becoming strong and rich, and with killings in the internecine wars that followed their rise. Not to mention loss of tax revenue on the illegal, and therefore untaxed, alcohol. Legalization and the release of inmates charged with marijuana-related offenses would lower prison costs, raise tax revenue and weaken drug cartels by reducing their revenue. Marijuana is a weed, grows easily and could provide a great cash crop to farmers who are basically paid to grow nothing to prop up produce prices. Waving the magic wand of a law at a problem does not make the problem go away, and in the case of marijuana, doesn't accomplish much in the end. The reason drugs are made illegal is due to risk of overdose and to reduce related crime. Marijuana users aren't addicts in the sense of heroin or crack addicts. They aren't mugging people or burglarizing houses to feed their habit. This issue needs calm, logical scrutiny, not emotionally fed rhetoric. Edward Beck, Fort Lauderdale - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom