Pubdate: Wed, 20 May 2009
Source: Hawaii Tribune Herald (Hilo, HI)
Copyright: 2009 Hawaii Tribune Herald
Author: Jeff Kearns


I'm an educated man but can't figure out the angle the Tribune-Herald 
is attempting to make by publishing a front-page article on the 
arrest of William Peters, 21 and Sarah Biddix, 22, for marijuana 
cultivation ("Marijuana users cry foul," May 14).

I gathered from the article that only one had a medical marijuana 
certificate, the amount of marijuana seized was over 100 plants 
(according to the state definition of marijuana) and the address on 
the certificate did not match the residence the marijuana was being 
grown/cultivated as required by state law.

I've been on the island for over five years and have heard from day 
one that all one needs to do is go to a "certain doctor" and say your 
toe hurts, and presto, you've got a medical marijuana certificate.

All of those terminally ill patients that legitimately have a need 
for a medical marijuana certificate and follow the rule of law by 
growing seven plants vs. 100 should demand to know how two college 
students in their early 20s who appear to be perfectly healthy 
obtained medical marijuana certificates.

Jeff Kearns

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom