Pubdate: Sun, 24 May 2009
Source: Press Democrat, The (Santa Rosa, CA)
Copyright: 2009 The Press Democrat
Author: Sam McManis
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Popular)
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)


Physicians Find Research Used to Support, Attack Long-Term Effects of Pot

SACRAMENTO -- Sparked anew by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's call for 
the state to study the legalization of marijuana, both sides in the 
smoldering pot debate point to research to bolster their positions.

Such recitation of conflicting marijuana studies can be manipulated 
and selected buffet-style to serve whatever political and health 
agenda is being touted.

Even governmental findings can be contradictory. In 1999, for 
instance, the Office of National Drug Control Policy asked the 
Institute of Medicine to review evidence. The institute found that, 
"except for the harms associated with smoking, the adverse effects of 
marijuana use are within the range of effects tolerated for other medications."

Yet in 2006, the Food and Drug Administration ruled that marijuana 
has no health benefits and has known and proven harms. It is 
classified a Schedule 1 drug -- the highest risk of addiction -- in 
the Controlled Substances Act.

Wading through the medical literature, though, makes those 
conclusions less cut and dried.

"When I was a resident in Kaiser in San Francisco in 1978, I gave a 
lecture to physicians on marijuana, and I remember my conclusion at 
that time was that you can find in the literature whatever you were 
looking for," says Dr. Donald Abrams, a UC San Francisco oncologist 
and leading medical marijuana researcher. " 'Marijuana is good for 
asthma.' 'Marijuana's bad for asthma.' 'Marijuana causes 
schizophrenia.' 'Marijuana (decreases) schizophrenia.' And, you know, 
the evidence is still like that."

There are many factors, of course. As noted by UCLA pulmonologist Dr. 
Donald Tashkin, who has studied marijuana's effects on the lungs for 
three decades, "That's just the nature of medical science. You have 
to deal with variability. The population studied may be different or 
the methods used to study may differ."

Yet when the arguments for legalization of marijuana, both for 
medicinal and recreational use, are put forth, solid medical science 
often gets clouded in an ideological haze.

"Although we like to say we separate politics from science, with 
medical marijuana, that's really difficult," Abrams says. "It depends 
on who does the study, where it's published and what their agenda is."

Bearing in mind those caveats, here is a look at the research on 
marijuana's effect in areas critical to health.


UCLA's Tashkin studied heavy marijuana smokers to determine whether 
the use led to increased risk of lung cancer and chronic obstructive 
pulmonary disease, or COPD. He had hypothesized that there would be a 
definitive link between cancer and marijuana smoking, yet the results 
proved otherwise.

"What we found instead was no association and even a suggestion of 
some protective effect," says Tashkin, whose research was the largest 
case-control study ever conducted. The study was funded by the 
National Institutes of Health.

Tobacco smokers in the study had as much as a 21-fold increase in 
lung cancer risk. Cigarette smokers, too, developed COPD more often 
in the study, and researchers found that marijuana did not impair 
lung function.

Tashkin, supported by other research, concluded that the active 
ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, has an "anti-tumoral effect" 
in which "cells die earlier before they age enough to develop 
mutations that might lead to lung cancer."

However, the smoke from marijuana did swell the airways and lead to a 
greater risk of chronic bronchitis.

"Early on, when our research appeared as if there would be a negative 
impact on lung health, I was opposed to legalization because I 
thought it would lead to increased use and that would lead to 
increased health effects," Tashkin says.

"But at this point, I'd be in favor of legalization. I wouldn't 
encourage anybody to smoke any substances, because of the potential 
for harm. But I don't think it should be stigmatized as an illegal substance.

"Tobacco smoking causes far more harm. And in terms of an intoxicant, 
alcohol causes far more harm."

Cognitive function

A 2006 study in the journal Neurology found that speed of thinking, 
attention and verbal fluency were affected as much as 70 percent by 
long-term heavy use (four or more joints per week).

But a 2003 review of literature in the Journal of the International 
Neuropsychological Society found that marijuana smoking had a "small 
effect" on memory in longtime users.

However, users had no lasting effects in reaction time, attention or 
verbal function.

"Surprisingly, we saw very little evidence of deleterious effects," 
Dr. Igor Grant, a researcher at the UC San Diego School of Medicine, 
said in a statement.

Other studies: A 2002 study in the Journal of the American Medical 
Association found that heavy users did worse on recall memory tests. 
A 2006 study in Greece showed users had slower mental-processing 
speed than the control group.

Then again, a 2007 study at the University of Lausanne in 
Switzerland, published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent 
Medicine, found students who smoked marijuana had better grades than 
those who used only tobacco or those who did not smoke any substance.

In terms of brain development, a 2000 study in the Journal of 
Addictive Diseases found changes in brain structure in those who 
started using marijuana before age 17 but not in those who started at 
an older age.

A 2009 Children's Hospital of Philadelphia study used brain imaging 
to show that heavy adolescent users are more likely to have disrupted 
brain development in regions involving memory, attention, decision 
making and language.

But a 2008 Ohio State University study found that marijuana can 
reduce brain inflammation and perhaps reduce memory impairment that 
could delay Alzheimer's disease.


Yes, there is an increased risk in psychotic behavior and long-term 
risk of mental illness from marijuana use, according to a 2007 review 
of literature commissioned by Great Britain's Department of Health 
and published in the Lancet.

But the risk is small, because the risk of developing psychosis in 
the general population is 3 percent over a lifetime and rises to 5 
percent for marijuana users, lead researcher Stanley Zammit told the 
Los Angeles Times. "So 95 percent of the people are not going to get 
psychotic, even if they smoke on a daily basis," he told the paper.

In 2005, New Zealand researchers studied a group of people with a 
gene variant the researchers believe predisposes that group to 
developing psychosis. Those in the group who smoked marijuana as 
teens had a tenfold increase in risk of psychosis than those who abstained.


A study published in 2001 in the American Journal of Psychiatry 
followed nearly 2,000 adults over 15 years. It found that marijuana 
users who had no symptoms of depression at the start were four times 
more likely than nonusers of developing symptoms during that time frame.

In 2008, the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy stated that 
early marijuana use could increase the likelihood of mental illness 
by as much as 40 percent later in life.

However, researchers at McGill University in Montreal in 2007 
reported in the Journal of Neuroscience that THC in low doses 
actually serves as an antidepressant similar to Prozac, producing 
serotonin. At higher doses, however, they found it could lead not 
only to depression but also to psychotic episodes. 
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