Pubdate: Sat, 06 Jun 2009
Source: Lethbridge Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2009 The Lethbridge Herald
Author: Kaljo Pohjakas


Gang-related murders have prompted a reaction by authorities to hire 
more police officers and increasing penalties for gang-related 
crimes. One wonders if this would solve the problem. It could also 
indicate that the problem is attacked at the wrong end.

We are told that criminal gangs  deal with illegal drugs, 
prostitution and money laundering of illegally obtained cash. Drugs 
are apparently the most lucrative business.

Our neighbourhood pot dealer, who may also supply harder stuff, may 
seem a harmless little cog in that big illegal industry, but he or 
she is who makes it possible for the vicious wholesale gangs to 
exist. This society is collectively guilty of using or tolerating 
illegal drug use. Without the demand there would be no supply.

We have had public campaigns against smoking cigarettes and it has 
declined significantly. Why do we do not have a public campaign 
against drug use which is a much more harmful activity? Many 
accidents and deaths are caused by mind-altering drugs, including alcohol.

Unless we get to the source of the gang problem, there will be always 
some people who regardless of the increased penalties are willing to 
profit from this addiction.

Kaljo Pohjakas
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom