Pubdate: Sat, 13 Jun 2009
Source: Garden Island (Lihue, HI)
Copyright: 2009 Kauai Publishing Co.
Author: Glenn Mickens


In my opinion, Chief Perry was 100 percent correct in his factual 
assessment of marijuana. ("On the Beat No. 29," The Garden Island, June 7)

And, Bruce Mirken's take on marijuana ("Prohibition is the problem," 
Letters, June 12) was completely wrong.

Marijuana is by federal law an illegal drug, and those who sell, buy, 
or use it can be prosecuted. And yes, it does have medical benefits 
to alleviate pain and can be restrictively prescribed by a physician 
- - I have no problem with that.

But any foreign substance put into the body that is mind-altering 
should be made illegal unless prescribed by a physician. Driving a 
vehicle takes unobstructed physical and mental abilities and thus any 
drug that impairs this function should be banned.

Yes, as Mr. Mirken stated, alcohol is probably more addictive and 
toxic than marijuana and causes many more deaths and tragedies in our 
society. Even though the U.S. would be better off without alcoholic 
beverages, prohibition was repealed and the multi-billion-dollar 
booze industry has prevailed.

To see our youth bombarded by the alcoholic beverage TV ads is sad, 
but in a free society we must accept the bad with the good.

But all the other drugs that Chief Perry mentioned are illegal and 
every effort should be made to eradicate them.

Certainly our drug control people cannot tell how many drugs a bust 
will gather until the bust. But they are doing their jobs, and for 
every drug they keep out of the hands of the dealer or user we should 
be applauding them for their efforts.

Chief and KPD officers, keep up your fine work.

Glenn Mickens, Kapa'a
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