Pubdate: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2009 Times Colonist Contact: Website: Details: Author: Diane McNally Referenced: WHY DO WE PROVIDE SAFE ALCOHOL SITES? Re: "Enabling addiction is no solution," letter, June 14. A letter-writer suggests forcing all addicts into rehab and forcibly relocating them to low-end dead-end jobs all over Canada. This is a shockingly shallow, moralistic stance. But it has its attractions for those who engage in it. The moralizer gets to quickly write off and condemn a group and any individual in that group while feeling smug and superior to those people. Such a good feeling, it's probably addictive. But when condemning "addicts" consider this: We as a society supply licensed outlets for buying alcohol, certainly a gateway drug to other drug use, while addiction to alcohol supplies horror and tragedy enough on its own. And we approve licensed and "safe" alcohol consumption sites, namely pubs and bars. I don't see anybody rounding up the alcoholics. Separating "street" drugs from alcohol is an artificial distinction. Alcohol is freely available and promoted not because it's less "bad" than street drugs but because of business interests, profit and tax revenue, all of that based on illegal bootlegging businesses that thrived in prohibition days. Addiction isn't about right and wrong. Addiction is about pain and brain chemistry. So let's get down off the high horse of self-righteousness and extend a helping hand. Diane McNally Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: dan