Pubdate: Wed, 17 Jun 2009
Source: Grand Forks Gazette (CN BC)
Copyright: 2009 Sterling Newspapers
Note: The newspaper does not have an active website.
Author: Roy Ronaghan


If we found a plant that would grow almost anywhere under varying 
climatic conditions, and that could satisfy basic food, shelter, 
clothing and fuel needs, one would think we would plant it everywhere 
possible and build industries around it.

There is such a plant, but the only people in Canada who can grow it are 
those who have obtained permits from Health Canada.  The reason is that 
it is called hemp, and hemp is thought to be synonymous with marijuana 
or cannabis, and we all know how many people feel about it.

Industrial hemp is of the same genus as cannabis or marijuana and the 
very mention of hemp cultivation causes eyebrows to rise and conjures up 
the thought of grow ops, police raids, arrests and trials. Growing 
marijuana without a license is against the law.  Growing hemp requires a 

There has been plenty of talk around Grand Forks in the past few weeks 
about cannabis or marijuana use for medicinal purposes, but there has 
been no mention of its cousin, Cannabis sativa or plain old hemp, which 
appears not to have entered the economic development discussions.

Both hemp and marijuana contain the psychoactive drug 
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  However, hemp produces only trace amounts 
of THC or less than four parts per million of the chemical.

Prior to 1938, both marijuana and hemp could be cultivated in Canada 
without permit and without fear of being charged, but, following on the 
decision by the government of the United States, the Canadian government 
decided to ban the practice in 1938.  However, on March 12, 1998, the 
ban was lifted and the cultivation, processing, transportation, sale, 
provision, import and export of industrial hemp were made lawful.

According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, there are more than 100 
Canadian farmers in Central and Western Canada growing the crop and 
taking advantage of a burgeoning market.

Hemp is a universal plant that can be grown for food and non-food 
purposes. It's been a source of food and fibre for well over 5,000 
years.  Whole hemp seed is composed of 45 percent oil, 35 per cent 
protein and 10 per cent carbohydrates and fibre. It can now be found in 
pasta, tortilla chips, salad dressings, snack products, and frozen desserts.

The fibres from hemp can be used to make clothing, rope, paper and 
building materials.  Its oil can be used in cosmetics, paints, varnish 
and medicinal preparations.  Hulled hemp seeds are an excellent source 
of protein.

Hemp will grow without the use of pesticides and herbicides, and it can 
reach maturity in as few as 100 days.  Fewer toxic chemicals and dyes 
are needed when making it into a cloth, which resists mold, mildew and 
UV rays. Hemp paper is naturally acid-free and is long lasting, perhaps 
for hundreds of years.  It can be made with fewer chemicals and less 
energy than paper made from wood cellulose.

There is a history of hemp cultivation in the Grand Forks area.  It was 
grown for its fibres that were used in making clothing and its seeds 
that were pressed for oil and cooked as a breakfast cereal.  All in all 
hemp helped the Doukhobors maintain a self-sufficient community.

There is a future for hemp cultivation on the vacant land around Grand 
Forks if valley residents can get over an aversion to a crop that 
contains minuscule  amounts of THC and recognize its economic value, and 
the ease with which it can be grown.  China, Russia and France have 
successful hemp industries and Canada's is growing.  Farmers in the 
Grand  Forks area could be part of that industry.

The plant is available and has a proven track record.  The Boundary 
Economic Development Committee (BEDC) should not overlook an opportunity 
to work with local farmers to explore the possibilities of industrial 
hemp production; nor should they ignore the entrepreneurs who would be 
willing to establish the related industries.

The failure of an effort to grow and harvest hemp a decade ago should 
not mean that the idea of a hemp industry should be abandoned.
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