Pubdate: Thu, 9 Jul 2009
Source: Kalamazoo Gazette (MI)
Copyright: 2009 Kalamazoo Gazette
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal)


Marijuana now can be used legally by patients in Michigan with 
certain medical conditions, a state identification card and a 
recommendation from a doctor. For the most part, it seems the state's 
voters are getting about what they expected from the program they 
approved in last November's election. Not a lot more, not a lot less.

The state started issuing ID cards in April to approved users, 
including some with HIV/AIDs, multiple sclerosis and glaucoma. Now 
there are more than 2,000 approved users statewide. Dozens of other 
people have been licensed as "caregivers," who may legally grow and 
supply users with marijuana.

In Southwest Michigan alone, there are about 190 registered users and 
78 licensed caregivers.

 From the early results, the program seems to be working about as 
anticipated. Doctors and patients are working together to decide if 
marijuana might be of some help, and the production and supply 
generally are being done within the rules established. At the moment, 
there does not appear to be a great deal of social or legal 
disruption, although some minor ambiguities about the process remain 
to be cleared up.

We're among those who think some scientific study and research still 
are needed, particularly to address good questions about marijuana's 
effectiveness, dosing and side effects. We also believe that kind of 
research could be conducted effectively in Michigan given the system 
that's been established and the patients who are available now for 
possible study, and considering the bio-medical research resources in 
existence here.

We also believe that the abuse of drugs, both legal and illegal, 
continues to be a problem for our local communities, the state and 
the nation. Such abuse requires significant attention and resources, 
including law enforcement, courts, treatment facilities and 
incarceration. At least at the moment, Michigan's medical marijuana 
program does not seem to be adding to the need for resources in any 
of those areas, although the situation bears watching.

As long as qualified medical professionals and their patients work 
within the law to develop treatment options that are safe and 
effective, there shouldn't be a lot of significant problems. That 
seems to be what voters wanted, and for now it seems to be what 
they're getting. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake