Pubdate: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 Source: Chicago Sun-Times (IL) Copyright: 2009 The Sun-Times Co. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Dan Linn KIRK SWIMS AGAINST THE TIDE Congressman Mark Kirk's proposed legislation increasing penalties for "super pot" is a blatant attempt to shore up conservative credentials following his recent divorce and desire to seek higher office. At a time when some states are looking to tax and regulate cannabis to help with struggling budgets (California and Massachusetts) and others are passing or at least considering medical cannabis programs (13 states have medical cannabis laws), Rep. Kirk thinks a lock 'em up and throw away the key approach will eliminate dealers. The proposed bill is nothing more than political chest thumping. It is too bad that Kirk, whose Web site claims he is "pro-science" and "pro-personal responsibility," does not look to science or concepts like responsibility and liberty when introducing federal legislation. The science behind "super pot" or "kush" or any THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) substance is that all of them have a toxicity level in humans that is practically unattainable. Nobody has ever overdosed and died from cannabis. Furthermore, there is a pharmaceutical pill that contains 100 percent THC that doctors can prescribe. If Kirk wants to keep cannabis out of the hands of children, he should move to end cannabis prohibition and regulate the market, since kush dealers don't card, but a government-licensed store would. Cannabis prohibition spawns the same ill effects that alcohol prohibition did, and it is time for our leaders to recognize this and regulate the adult cannabis market, not increase prison sentences. Dan Linn, executive director Illinois Chapter of NORML - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake