Pubdate: Sun, 19 Jul 2009
Source: Telegraph, The (Nashua, NH)
Copyright: 2009 Telegraph Publishing Company
Author: Carmen Yarrusso
Note: Carmen Yarrusso lives in Brookline.



Dear honorable representatives of the American people:

The so-called "drug war" is a blatantly dishonest, extremely
expensive, highly destructive, grossly unjust, abject failure of our

Despite 30 years and more than a trillion dollars of taxpayer money
spent trying to stop - not robbery, not rape, not murder, not even
shoplifting - but trying to stop adults from using certain arbitrarily
banned drugs, despite draconian punishments, despite currently jailing
500,000 nonviolent American citizens, despite tens of thousands of
prohibition-related murders, these drugs are cheaper, purer and more
readily available than ever.

Why do you allow this insanity to continue?

How many more taxpayer billions must we waste, how many more thousands
of productive Americans must we lock up, how many more thousands of
human beings must die in drug-war violence before you honorable
representatives of the American people put an end to this foolish,
futile carnage?

When will you find the courage to openly admit that drug prohibition -
just like alcohol prohibition - is guaranteed to be counterproductive,
guaranteed to be extremely violent, guaranteed to be perpetually
futile, and guaranteed to leave a wide swath of human suffering and
death in its wake?

When will you find the courage to tell the truth about drug

Prohibition Truth No. 1

The "drug war" is not a war against drugs - quite the contrary - it's
a war for drugs. It strongly encourages both production and
distribution of prohibited drugs by guaranteeing extremely high
profits for everyone involved.

Does it make any sense to believe a government policy that guarantees
massive profits for any activity could possibly result in less of that

Let's be very clear: The "drug" war is a war against living, breathing
human beings, not drugs. Drugs are merely the dishonest excuse for an
extremely profitable, ruthless enterprise, the victims of which are
real people.

The thousands of murders in Mexico each year - and thousands more in
this country - are the direct result of drug prohibition itself. When
alcohol was prohibited, the murder rate in America skyrocketed; when
Prohibition ended, the murder rate rapidly declined. When's the last
time you heard of a murder during an alcohol deal gone bad?

Prohibition Truth No. 2

This patently wasteful and highly destructive war against human beings
continues unabated because the various special interests that profit
greatly from prohibition have sufficient control over you, the
honorable representatives of the American people.

These special interests are well aware they would lose billions in
profits if you were to find the courage to end prohibition, again.

If prohibition were to end again, the illegal drug industry (cartels,
dealers) would lose billions. Industries spawned by prohibition (drug
testing, incarceration) would also lose big money.

But the most significant special-interest group that would lose
billions if prohibition ended again, the special-interest group with
by far the most political power, is our own government.

Prohibition has become an extremely lucrative, institutionalized part
of our government. At least 50 government agencies profit greatly from
this war against real human beings. Millions more taxpayer dollars are
spent on patently deceitful propaganda to keep fooling Americans about
prohibition and to keep taxpayer billions flowing to these agencies.

These government agencies are quite literally addicted to drug money.
They're hooked on the taxpayer billions they waste each year as they
pretend to fight an enemy created and sustained by prohibition itself.


Supporting a government policy guaranteed to both fail and cause vast
human suffering is egregiously immoral. Prohibition is a deep,
self-inflicted wound on humanity. Arbitrarily punishing users of
certain politically incorrect drugs is just plain cruel. Severely
punishing those who produce and deliver illegal drugs is like dangling
meat in front of starving dogs and then beating them unmercifully when
they disobey your command and lunge for the meat.

Yes, if prohibition ended again, many businesses would fail. Many
government agencies would lose billions. Tens of thousands of decent
Americans would lose their government jobs. But that's no reason to
continue this insane war against our fellow human beings for even one
more day.

The best interests of the American people would be better served by
treating drug users who need help instead of spending billions
arresting and jailing them. Treatment could be totally financed by
taxing and regulating these drugs.

We, the undersigned, demand that you uphold your moral duty to
represent the best interests of the American people. We hereby demand
you honorable ladies and gentlemen use the power we have entrusted in
you to peacefully end the blatantly dishonest, extremely expensive,
highly destructive, futile-by-design government tyranny know as the
"drug war."

Humanity has suffered long enough. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake