Pubdate: Fri, 24 Jul 2009
Source: Prince George Citizen (CN BC)
Copyright: 2009 Prince George Citizen
Author: Gloria Harding


Re: Number of new HIV cases levelling off across region  (Saturday Report, July 18).

I was glad to read that the HIV in Prince George is  "leveling off." I
wonder how much it costs to maintain  that data and provide services
to active drug users.

I am in recovery thanks to an abstinence-based  treatment program and
a loving 12-step fellowship. I  have 24 years clean and sober at the
end of this month.  What I find so frustrating is the health
authorities  focus on the symptoms (HIV) of addictions rather than 
giving equal attention and financial support to  addictions recovery

This is unfair and irresponsible as far as I'm  concerned. As an
addict I could not make healthy  choices for myself and needed
intervention. I had no  clue on how to stop using drugs and alcohol.

I want to thank the professionals and people in  recovery who were
straightforward with me and provided  me with the way out of active
addiction. I know that if  I had professionals telling me my drug use
was not my  fault and they fed me and accepted me the way I was, I 
would be dead by now.

Love, food and clean drug paraphernalia do not equal  recovery from

I have so much respect for Baldy Hughes Therapeutic  Community, the
Last Door Recovery Society, Westminster  House for Women. These
programs create genuine change  and healing in the lives of addicts.
These are the  programs that receive very little recognition for their
 dedication and commitment in successfully treating  addictions.
Please remember that even if a person is  addicted to drugs and has
HIV they can still recover.

Gloria Harding

Prince George
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr