Pubdate: Sun, 02 Aug 2009
Source: Garden Island (Lihue, HI)
Copyright: 2009 Kauai Publishing Co.
Cited: Anti-Drug Information:


LIHU'E - One of the projects tackled by a county summer intern was to 
refresh a number of the Anti-Drug pages on the county's Web site, a 
news release states.

Kristen Miyasaki, a sophomore at Linfield College in Oregon who is 
home for the summer, spent part of her time creating a new section on 
the home page of the Anti-Drug web pages and updating the Adolescent 
Continuum of Care Matrix.

The new section contains links to current information on activities 
and events sponsored by the Anti-Drug Office, such as an online 
survey, photos of the recent Speed and Quickness clinics and the 
Kaua'i Community Drug Response Plan.

The Adolescent Continuum of Care Matrix offers comprehensive 
information on all the services that are available for adolescents on Kaua'i.

Theresa Koki, anti-drug coordinator, is very pleased with Miyasaki's 
contributions to the Anti-Drug Program.

"Kristen's strong organizational skills really enhanced the Anti-Drug 
program, and she did a great job on our web pages," said Koki.

"Working for the County has been a good learning experience," said 
Miyasaki, adding that she will probably apply for an internship with 
the County next summer.

Finding out about the extent of illegal drug-use on Kaua'i was a real 
eye-opener for Miyasaki.

She said, "I didn't realize that there is such a big drug problem 
here. At the same time, though, I don't think there should be a sense 
of hopelessness because there are also a lot of resources available 
on the island."

Miyasaki, who is a psychology major, is particularly interested in 
abnormal psychology.

"I want to find out why people have mental diseases and then, I want 
to try to help them," said Miyasaki.

Eventually, she plans to return to her island home on a permanent 
basis and help Kaua'i residents, but her short-term goals include 
getting a doctorate in psychology and doing some traveling.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom