Pubdate: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 Source: Burlington Post (CN ON) Copyright: 2009 Burlington Post Contact: Details: Author: Murray Thompson RESIDENTS HAVE RIGHT TO BE CONCERNED Re: Retired minister's letter of support for clinic, the Post, Sept. 16. I find it objectionable the Burlington Post would publish a letter in its entirety in support of the proposed "pain clinic/with methadone availability" from someone who requested anonymity in fear that his home might become a target for seekers of drugs! This is further evidence that locating such a clinic across from an elementary school is the wrong location. What is to prevent an upsurge in crime in the area of the proposed clinic from people looking for drugs - such as methadone - as has reportedly happened in Vancouver, Waterloo, Durham, Bowmanville and Welland. Bottles of methadone are like liquid gold on the street. Aldershot homeowners have a right to be concerned and not called narrow minded and our concerns labelled "embarrassingly stupid humbug." Murray Thompson, Burlington - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake