Pubdate: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Page: A34, Sunday Opinion Copyright: 2009 Los Angeles Times Contact: Website: Details: Referenced: Author: Gordon Wilson INCARCERATION INOCULATION Re "Vaccines to combat drug addiction show promise," Oct. 6 How nice to know that vaccines are being perfected to help cocaine and nicotine addicts kick their habits. As long as a person wishes to overcome any addiction - whether "legal" or "illegal"- I'm all for any medicine that will help him or her. I am wondering how long it will be, however, before a vaccine is discovered to help drug warriors overcome their nasty and expensive habit of incarcerating a huge segment of our population for often harmless and sometimes actually beneficial drugs that they have oddly enough chosen to criminalize? Gordon Wilson Laguna Niguel - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake