Pubdate: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 Source: Langley Advance (CN BC) Copyright: 2009 Lower Mainland Publishing Group Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Travis Erbacher PRIME MINISTER HARPER GETS HIGH ON HYPOCRISY Dear Editor, In case you haven't heard, Stephen Harper gets high with a little help from his friends. Prime Minister Harper surprised a crowd of deep-pocketed potential campaign donors on Oct. 3, singing the Beatles classic and, I must admit, it was both a decent singing job, as well as a brilliantly staged political stunt. Give the devil his due, Harper is a brilliant politician. The typical Stephen Harper supporter, unable to form an independent thought or analyze anything themselves, likely loved the performance and think that Harper is a really cool, personable guy. All intelligent people, on the other hand, saw a soulless, callous, malice-fueled marionette expressing the unadulterated spirit of pure hypocrisy. Does Harper lock his "friends" up for a mandatory minimum prison sentence of six months for drug trafficking after he gets high with them? Under Harpers new anti-drug strategy the PM and his friends would be thrown in jail, have their kids taken away from them, and have their lives ruined by a criminal record, all for passing one marijuana cigarette. This prime minister is willing to ruin the lives of millions for using cannabis, and then sing about it. How dare he! Travis Erbacher, Langley - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake