Pubdate: Sun, 18 Oct 2009
Source: St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Copyright: 2009 St. Petersburg Times
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Bookmark: (Drug Test)
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Michael Provost is a hypocrite. The Parrott Middle  School health
teacher, who used to teach drug  prevention and headed a student
anti-drug club, is  suspended after acknowledging recreational
marijuana  use off campus.

But hypocrisy is not a firing offense, and the Hernando  School Board
shouldn't follow a recommendation from the  school board attorney and
interim superintendent to  dismiss Provost. More appropriately, it
should consider  the nonbinding ruling of an impartial administrative
law judge who said the district didn't have the legal  authority to
fire Provost because it is a de facto  state agency and must follow
appropriate state law.

Florida's Drug Free Workplace Act, which excludes  police officers and
firefighters, prohibits state  employers from terminating workers upon
an initial  positive drug test unless the employee forgoes an
opportunity to participate in a substance-abuse  program. In this
instance, Provost agreed to a drug  test and entered an employee
assistance program after  being confronted in March by principal
Leechelle Booker  about suspected marijuana use.

He has been on unpaid suspension since and appealed to  the
administrative judge after former superintendent  Wayne Alexander
recommended his firing. Despite the  ruling from Administrative Judge
P. Michael Ruff,  School Board attorney Paul Carland and interim
superintendent Sonya Jackson still recommend  termination.

Carland contends the school district is exempt from the  drug-free law
because it is not a state agency.  Granted, there are conflicting
rulings on district  autonomy, but it shouldn't be a matter of
convenience  to pick and choose when to follow state laws.

Among other things, the school district's funding, tax  rate,
curriculum requirements, standardized testing  rules and school grades
are established in Tallahassee  by legislators and the Department of
Education. The  state mandates which day to teach the Constitution,
how  much weekly recess time students must have and even the  size of
the American flag to be displayed in every  classroom. Nearly
everything about the public school  system in Florida is driven from
the top down with  local districts given the chores of implementing
the  state requirements while negotiating teacher salaries,  building
schools and balancing their annual budgets. To  suggest an individual
school district is anything but  an agency of the state government is

Evan absent that argument, the Hernando School Board  should consider
the message it would be sending to all  its employees if it fires a
teacher who volunteered  information about his marijuana use, agreed
to a drug  test and sought help via the employee assistance  program.
It's akin to telling others to hide their  problems instead of seeking
help because the  consequences are unforgiving.

There is no doubt Provost has damaged his credibility,  but the
district should give him an opportunity to  return to teach. His
initial lesson plan should include  sharing first-person accounts with
middle school  students about the aftermath of his own reckless
personal choices. 
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