Pubdate: Wed, 3 Nov 2010
Source: Daily Telegram, The (Adrain, MI)
Copyright: 2010 GateHouse Media, Inc.
Author: Nichole Campbell


To the editor,

I'm writing in response to the Oct. 5 letter "Marijuana is biblical"
by Stan White of Dillon, Colo.

First, Stan, I strongly disagree with you! I do understand some people
do require the assistance marijuana can offer for legitimate
illnesses. I do not believe marijuana was designed for recreational
use. The Bible states to be of sober mind, also known as self-control
(see 1 Thess. 5:6, 1 Peter 1:13-16, 4:7 and 5:8-9, to list a few).

My real problem is with you misusing the word of God. If you don't
read the Daily Bread I strongly suggest you go online to
and look up the Oct. 16 reading. It states, "All of us need to be
careful to use God's Word for His purpose, rather than for our own
agenda." (Daily Bread) The devotional references Jeremiah 23:16,
30-40. Verse 36 b. states, "... because every man's own word becomes
his oracle and so you distort the words of the living God ..."

Stan, "We must align ourselves with the Bible and never try to align
the Bible to ourselves." (Daily Bread) You referenced Genesis 1:29-30:
"I give you every seedbearing plant on the face of the whole earth and
every tree that has fruit with seed in if. They will be yours for food."

However, you left out the key word which is "food" when you were
quoting Genesis. Along with the other scriptures you referenced you
should just read them again and perhaps read the surrounding verse or
even better the whole chapter to truly understand what the subject
matter is.

Due to the fact that God created all things, does that mean that all
things are good for people? For example, God created the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. Did he say, "Hey, Adam. See that tree? I
made it. Do whatever you want." No, God said, "... but you must not
eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat
of it you will surely die." (Genesis 2:17)

Are you also advocating that people should smoke opium since it came
from seeds? What is our world coming to?! Your opinion is your
opinion, but next time let's keep the scripture out of it if you can't
use it correctly.

Nichole Campbell
