Pubdate: Thu, 31 Dec 2009
Source: Chico Enterprise-Record (CA)
Copyright: 2009 Chico Enterprise-Record
Note: Letters from newspaper's circulation area receive publishing priority
Author: Terry Vau Dell, Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


OROVILLE -- One of more than a dozen Butte County defendants convicted
in a "mega" medical marijuana scam learned to his relief Wednesday
that honesty really does have its own rewards.

Asher Leon Prince of Chico had been facing 120 days in jail for his
part in the crime.

But assistant district attorney Helen Harberts asked the judge
Wednesday to grant Prince a 60-day "discount" on his sentence for
telling the truth about the illegal scheme when questioned.

The mass arrests occurred in September 2008, after local authorities
noticed the names of the same patients posted at multiple indoor and
outdoor medical marijuana "collectives" in Chico and Butte County foothills.

Three people are still awaiting trial in the case.

Most of those who entered into a joint plea-bargain earlier in the
year have drawn jail terms of between 120 and 180 days.

The only one to be sentenced to prison so far was a purported
ringleader who authorities said purchased residential property for
some of the grows and attempted to conceal the illegal profits by
funneling them through two "shell" businesses in Chico.

Prince was tending an indoor medical marijuana garden at a Chico
condominium when he was arrested, according to court reports. Prince's
attorney, Grady Davis, pointed out Wednesday his client had no prior
criminal record.

Superior Court Judge Steven Howell sentenced Prince to the 60-day jail
term recommended by the prosecutor, placed him on three years
probation and imposed fines and fees totaling about $2,500. 
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